[Senate Doc. 512, vol. 245, p. 841]

War Department,
Office Indian Affairs, May 31, 1832


By the act of Congress of May 20, 1826, to aid certain Indians of the Creek nation in their removal to the west of the Mississippi, there was to be given to each warrior of that nation, who should remove there within two years, one beaver trap, &c. The head chiefs and warriors of the western Creeks, by their petition dated February 28, 1832, have solicited the value in money of those traps alleged by them, to be still due to that portion of their nation that had emigrated pursuant to the terms of the treaty of January 24th, 1826.

About three thousand Creeks have removed to the west of the Mississippi, and one thousand beaver traps have been delivered to their agent, General John Campbell, to be distributed among their warriors. It is manifest, therefore, that a greater number of beaver traps has been furnished to their agent for distribution, than would be sufficient to supply all the warriors of their nation, who have emigrated west.  

I have the honor, &c.,
Elbert Herring

To the Hon. Lewis Cass,
Secretary of War