[M234, roll 237, frame 334-35]

Department of War
15th May 1830


Your letter of the 14th inst. has been received, enquiring if I had yet replied to the communication of Hawkins, as to the claims of the Western Creek Indians.  From recommendations presented to me, of great respectability I was induced to send Hawkins and McIntosh to the Creek Nation to explain fully the advantages of a removal, and to represent correctly the situation of their Country West of the Mississippi, whereby to induce their brothers in Alabama to remove.  The accounts I have received, represent Hawkins' course, as different entirely from what had been looked for - calculated to prevent, rather than encourage the Indians to a removal.  Under these circumstances I have determined to hold no further intercourse, or communication with him.  Justice will not be withheld from these people who have emigrated  -  Every thing promised in their treaties will be fulfilled; and early as practicable all their complaints will be examined, and the agent instructed what course to pursue; but with Hawkins, this Department will have nothing more to do, for the reason that he has deceived it.  If he is in the Creek Nation you may send him this letter, which will explain why his application is not attended to.

Very Respectfully
J. H. Eaton
[Secretary of War]

To the Hon.
W. Thompson
H. R. U. S.