[M234, roll 238?, frame 814]

Fort Gibson
June 13th 1837


On the 4th Inst. I received in their new Country four hundred and sixty three Emigrant Creeks, conducted by H. G. Barclay Agent for the Alabama Emigrating Company, and accompanied by Lieut. Edwd. Deas U. S. Army. These Emigrants arrived onboard of a Steam Boat, and immediately on their landing a large number of them dispersed through the Country with their friends, although every precaution was taken by Lieut. Deas to detain them until a re-muster could be effected; in consequence of this fact, and the impossibility of collecting them for several days I felt bound to certify the rolls as I have done heretofore, determined however to have a re-muster as soon as it could possibly be done, this I have effected and find the Roll to be correct.

The Contractor for furnishing the Emigrant Creeks with Provisions, have at this time within this vicinity an ample supply of Beef, Corn and Salt for all present purposes, and from their present movements no apprehension of a failure to fully comply with the Contract may be anticipated.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt.
James R. Stephenson
Capt. U. S. Army
Disbg. Agt. (Creeks)

C. A. Harris
Com. of Ind. Affairs
D. C.