[M234, roll 238, frame 593]

Pass Christian, Miss.
31st July 1837


In obedience to your call, I herewith furnish a statement of the deaths that have occurred in my Party since our arrival at Mobile Point, and at this place, the first death occurred on the 20th March, from that to 31st July, 177 deaths have taken place, 93 of which number died at the Point and 84 is since disembarking at this place. On 20th July 13 persons died and on the following day 12 being the greatest number on any one day.

The attending Physicians Report, I herewith enclose.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
Jno. G. Reynolds
1st Lt. U. S. Mil
& Disbg Agt Ind. Dept.

Capt. John Page
Superintendent Creek Emigrating
Pass Christian Miss