[M234, roll 237, frame 158]

Indian Camp, Creek Nation
July 18th, 1828

The Honl Thomas L. McKenny


We the undersigned being a part of the emigrating party of Indians now on our way for the Arkansas deem it our duty to state to the government of the United States the facts in relation to the treatment of the Indians who is opposed to Emigration. During the time we were in camp near Lewis' Stand horses were stolen from us of which we made complaint to Col. Brearly who was then in Washington City. The horses we then complained of was actually stolen of which fact we have the proof but they have been recovered.  But when we left that camp almost every night we have had some taken, more or less seventeen in one night. In the morning they were pursued and a part of them recovered. When they were found the bells were taken off .. with some hickory bark, a flat string, and ropes around their necks. The whole we have lost and we made the complaint above mentioned is twenty, seventeen of which is entirely gone unless we fortune   than we expect.   the chief of this party has come this conclusion not to take any from the other party as is Indian custom but to rely on the government for a fair investigation and make the nation accountable for the horses. We are the people that is in accordance with the views of the government and therefore do expect and hope that you will see that we have justice done us. It is useless for us to call on the chiefs for Justice for they are offended with us for doing as the government desires. You are our dependence. We remain your children & c.

Different Towns 
HitchetaBenjm Lott
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CowetaK. Lewis
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ChiwackleyPowes Hargo
CowetaCoe Marthley
Oak mulge mico
Thlatch Le Hargo
CoosawdaPotock Hargo
Co se yoholo
CusetaArtis Hargo
Thlock Queechee
TuckabatcheeDavid Pigeon
W J Wills?