[M234, roll 223, frame 882]

Columbus January 30th 1833

Dr. Sir,

The difficulties which have heretofore existed between the Creek Indians, designated the McIntosh party, who have removed to Arkansas, and those with whom the U. S. Government made a treaty for the land they occupy on the Western shore of the Chattahoochie in March, (last,) have been adjusted by agreements, the copies of which I have enclosed, but of which, you have probably received, authenticated copies from Genl. Parsons, one of the U. S. Commissioners -- this time.

Messrs. Chilly McIntosh and Hawkins, the agents of those who have removed, have employed me to solicit from you, information of the earliest period, when they, as agents, can acquire possession, so as by sale, to dispose of the five sections, which were a part of the consideration of the agreement, between the parties, and by what means of title.  Also to learn whether or not, this as agents, will not by the Treaty & agreement, (properly appointed agents), be authorized to select the sections, in any part, or parts, of the nation, they may believe most valuable, provided they shall not interfere with the rights (sections & reserves) secured to other Indians by the treaty.  Also, whether, as there are several "Towns of Indians" desirous to remove immediately, the Government, will contract with, so as to enable them to remove. 

Respectfully your most obt. svt.
Jno. Miller

Lewis Cass
Secy of War