[M234, roll 239, frame 514-15]

New Orleans, Lou.
5th Feby. 1839


I have the honor, to enclose herewith a communication respecting the straggling Creek Indians left at Pass Christian on the removal of the main body of Indians in October 1837.  All doubtless can be collected without much difficulty with the exception of the one mentioned as having left for Alabama.  The writer of the herewith report is a person on whom reliance can be placed being also well acquainted with Pass Christian and environs.

I am Sir
Very respectfully
your obt. servant
Jno. G. Reynolds
1st Lieut. U. S. M. C.
Disbg. Agt. Ind. Dept.

T. Hartley Crawford
Comr. Ind. Affairs
Washington City.

Pass Christian
30th January 1839

My Dear Sir

Yours of the 29th inst came safe to hand, and I hasten to give you all the information that I possess or can obtain in relation to the Creek Indians that remained here after the main body were removed from this place.  From what I can learn from the old Indian Bearfoot there were about twenty in number - men, women & children who remained behind, eleven of whom left this during the winter of 1837 for N. Orleans where they have remained ever since, all the rest are at this place and vicinity with the exception of one man who has left some time since for Alabama.

Tom Pigeon and family are at Wolf River consisting of himself and four others.  There are also five others who are living at this place.

I remain Sir respectfully yours
Finley B. Hain