[M234, roll 238, frame 787]

Fort Gibson
April 26th 1837


In separate envelops accompanying this letter you will receive my Muster Rolls of Creek Emigrants for the 1st Quarter 1837, and Property Return with the necessary vouchers for same quarter.

In my Muster Roll for the 4th Quarter 1836, I included 2159 Emigrant Creeks (the Hostile Party) whose names were not entered on the Roll for reason given in my letter accompanying the Rolls. The names of these Emigrants you will find entered in the beginning of present Roll as having arrived on the 4th September 1836, and conducted by W. J. Beattie and Lieut. B---y U. S. Army.

The form of the Receipt Rolls on which I have made issues of Blanket, Rifles & c. to the Indians is the best I could adopt, should you prefer them in another form please inform me and the alteration shall be made.

I have deferred closing my Account Current at present, wishing to forward at the same time all payments made by me on account of the failure of Samuel Mackey to fulfill his Contract, there are but few outstanding accounts yet to be settled, which I think will be handed in by next mail or the succeeding one, if not I will close my account current and forward it.

The Contractors for furnishing Subsistence to the Creek Emigrants entered upon their duties with a determination to be successful, but I think were not aware of the many difficulties they had to encounter. They have so far complied with their Contract but not entirely to my satisfaction, in as much as there is an occasional delay to supply at the appointed time. I have so far given them every assistance in my power and shall continue to do so, under the belief that their Contract will terminate satisfactorily to all parties. I feel the greatest solitude in having the Indians well supplied, and you may rest assured my attention will be particularly directed to that object.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt.
Jas. R. Stephenson
Capt. U. S. Army
Disbg. Agt. (Creeks)

C. A. Harris Esqr.
Com. Indn. Affairs
Washington D. C.