[M234, roll 237, frame 209+]

"The following is a list of property lost and ---- in the Old Creek Nation by those who emigrated to the Western Creek Nation."

Names of PersonsArticles lost or takenRemarks
Lewis Mumford1 horse
Hy po yot chee10 head of cattle, 1 yearling
Polly Kennard1 mare colt, 6 cows & calves, 1 bull, 12 head of hogs
Otee higher Kinnard1 bay mare, 1 brown Say horse, 10 cows & calves, 6 barren cows, 1 bull, 5 head of sheep, 24 hogs
Archy Kinnard5 cows & calves, 4 barren cows, 1 steer, 1 bay horse
Co ne eker1 year old mare colt, 10 cows & calves, 4 barren cows, 12 head of hogs
Isaac Perryman2 cows & yearlings, 1 cow & calves, 1 barren cow
Lewis Perryman3 barrows, 3 old sows, 19 shoats, 6000? sugar canes
Wm Perryman2 horses, 1 mare, 3 cows & yearlings, 50 head of hogs, 1 waggon left on the road
Lizzy McIntosh1 sorrel mare & colt, 2 bay horses, 7 large barrows, 2 old sows, 11 shoats
Ninny Homartoochy1 horse, 2 barren cows, 2 year old heifers
Inchockey1 cow, 1 yearling
Pulhoea1 rear horse, 1 cow & calf
Roley McIntosh11 head of beef cattle, 5 bay mares, 1 colt, 1 --an mare & colt, 1 sorrell stud horse, 1 bay horse, 96 head of hogs
Moty Kinnard6 cows & calves, 1 large bull, 2 horses
Philip Lovett1 black mare colt, 1 cow & calf
Fush hatchee Micco1 horse, 1 sulkey, 11 cows & calves, 14 head of hogs
Oowe talica8? head of cattle, 1 horse
Cowarcutchee Emarthler107 head of hogs, 2 cows & calves
Bejamin Derasaw2 horses, 8 cows & calves, 10 head of sheep
Big Patty15 head of cattle, 14 head of hogs
Archee Hatchee2 steel traps, 1 cow & calf, 6 head of hogs
Cowar Sarte6 cows, 5 head of sheep
Stomayer McIntosh6 head of horses, 24 head of hogs
Biner McIntosh2 horses, 6 head of hogs
Hy yeak a Nichee12 head of hogs
Cowee Emarthler3 head of cattle, 5 head of hogs
Wisy McIntosh4 head of horses, 6 head of hogs
Fellama9 head of cattle, 8 head of hogs
Peggy McIntosh3 horses, 2 head of cattle
Nocosillee Tustenuggee1 horse
Holthy Marty Tustenuggee3 head of horses
John Wynn34 head of cattle, 13 head of hogs
Joseph1 large barrow, 25 bushels of corn
Arsartly2 horses, 14 head of cattle, 37 head of hogs
John Harrell16 head of cattle, 25 head of hogs
Samuel Harrell5 horses, 2 rifle guns
Daniel Kennard28 head of cattle, 11 head of hogs
Ishockey Kennard21 head of cattle, 7 head of hogs
Samuel Miller1 horse, 2 cows, 6 head of sheep, 7 head of hogs
We fus war5 head of cattle, 6 head of hogs
Nicholas Marshall1 horse, 4 head of cattle
Tallasee Harjo2 horses, 9 head of cattle
Richard Miller5 head of cattle, 37 head of hogs
Robert Tiger1 horse, 6 head of cattle, 35 head of hogs
Nehar yar Hola1 horse, 38 head of cattle, 39 head of hogs
William Miller33 head of cattle
Andrew Lovett1 horse, 1 head of cattle
Tallow Harjo1 horse, 6 head of cattle
Ispoke koke Emarthla4 horses, 6 head of cattle
Hach Kissey2 horses
Sa til lo gee13 head of hogs
Tal ma see10 head of hogs
Hopeath Harjo1 horse, 7 head of cattle
Tallower Micco1 cow, 8 head of hogs, 2 steel traps
Stim hy Eby5 head of cattle, 3 head of hogs
Low bi chee1 horse, 1 cow
Stow er lucker1 cow, 1 hog
Warlocco5 head of cattle
Pithlow Parla10 bushels of corn
Philip Carr1 horse, 1 bridle & saddle, 33 head of cattle
Our Fallico1 horse. 1 saddle & bridle
Corser Yoholler1 horse
William Carr3 horses
James Moore6 head of cattle
Sanco Bruner3 horses
Ochy Harjo11 head of cattle, 55 head of hogs
Alexander Redmouth2 horses, 1 cow
Vicey Reed7 head of cattle
Sinter McIntosh6 head of cattle
Tuskegee Nehar2 horses
Pows Harjo1 horse, 1 saddle & bridle
Wilmot Hably2 horses, 1 mare, 98 head of cattle, 1 steer
Seagrove's wife Nelley1 horse
Jupiter1 head of cattle
Mad Salt1 mare
Jane1 horse, 1 saddle
Noochy Winslett1 horse
Joseph Smith1 horse, 1 cow, 35 head of hogs
Cristy Perryman1 mare colt
Charles Reed1 horse, 3 cows & calves, 11 hogs
Hothley Powee Tustenuggee2 horses, 14 hogs
Clarsee Hoea1 mare
George Colbert1 horse
Cuncharty6 head of horses
Cho wak ley5 horses
Con talley4 horses
Concharter Yoholla1 horse
John Randall1 horse
Fickhermikee7 head of cattle, 3 head of hogs
Homispun4 cows
Artiley23 head of hogs
Spoke Harjo13 head of cattle, 7 head of hogs, 3 beaver traps
Thomas Bruner14 head of horses
Samuel Perryman1 set of black smith tools
Prince Perryman3 head of cattle, 45 head of hogs, 1 Dearborn waggon
Sandy17 head of hogs
Cloe Perryman11 head of hogs
Henry Perryman1 mare, 1 cow, 42 head of hogs, 1 rifle
James Sampson1 horse
Kipsy Kinnard30 head of cattle, 25 head of hogs, 4 head of sheep
William Bruner10 horses
Anna Bruner11 head of horses
James Bruner6 head of horses
Tespy? Kinnard30 head of cows, 3 hogs, 20 head of sheep, 3 horses
Innihar Fixico1 cow & calf, a rifle gun
Su par car cu chee15 head of cattle, 1 hog, 1 horse
Hillis Fixico6 head of cattle, 1 rifle gun
Chostiee4 head of cattle, 1 rifle gun
Coweta Harjo1 horse, 9 head of hogs
Yarhe kee1 horse
John McIntosh1 small Dearborn waggon
Cythia Kennard20 cows & calves, 10 head of stock cattle, 1 horse, 2 old sows
See ho Ithly fa young8 y o calves 50¢ -- 4.00, 10 y o calves 37.5¢ -- $3.75, 1 ?rapper -- .50,
1 blanket -- 4.00, 1 cow & calf -- 10.00, 1 yearling -- 5.00,
woman of Horsse? Path town
Colatter Micco1 horse 3 year oldOakattas-ky Town
Fock tim bee5 hogsOakattas-ky Town
Coppitcha? Harjo4 hogs, 2 head of cattleOakattas-ky Town
Joccigee1 mare with ?oalOakattas-ky Town
Thlen O chichee1 horseOakattas-ky Town
Y- Igee?a cow & calf
Gillitchoee9 hogsHitchatee Town
Ahinogee8 hogsHitchatee Town
Tow ho ee2 hogsHitchatee Town
Missey1 bay mareHitchatee Town
Mary Gray1 brown mare
Soliligee10 head of hogs
Weelarkee7 head of hogs
Lewis of Cuseta2 horses, 3 cows & calves
War ki kee4 cows & calves, 1 yearling
Samuel Barnett1 horse, 1 large sow
John Perryman1 cow with calf, 6 head grown hogs, 6 shoats
Polly2 horses
Cotcha Emarthla1 mare & colt
Co o mar lichee1 horse
Kendal Lewis8 mares, 1 colt, 1 stud horse, 10 head of cattle
Efin? Emarthla3 sows, 10 shoatsof Talladuga

Some of these accounts we know are correct and the balance we believe to be so? with some few? exceptions,
Witness our hand & seals

Western Creek Nation
December 15, 1829

Roley McIntosh, his X mark
Fushatchee Micco, his X mark
Chilly McIntosh.