[M234, roll 232, frames 629-632]

Dept. of the Interior
Office Ind. Affairs
July 9th, 1870


In compliance with your verbal request of the 30 ultimo that the names of certain deceased members of the 1st Regt. Ind. Home Guards might be furnished you by this office, in order that the claimants of the checks sent you the 19th of May last can be more clearly identified.  I send you a list showing the number of check, name of the payee or claimant, and the relation of such claimant to the deceased soldier as appears from the records of this office.

No. of
Name of Payee Name of Soldier Company
24608 Winna, mother of Charles Clinton K
24610 Eliza, widow of Jo la fix se ko I
24614 Cat se ah Yo ho lo, father of Homeh H
24616 Ko ko thlo na, widow of Kel ver K
24620 Keen sah, widow of Ne or ha goh H
24622 Louisa, widow of Koneh H
24624 Heah, widow of Ge lsh ka ha jah? H
24626 Co tow she, widow of Go fol lop fix e co H
24628 Sally, widow of A lok yah ho lah C
24630 Wah te thla, mother of Ka sak co la na K
24632 Sa con we, father of Co ke thla na K
24634 Nen sen nee, widow of Ap peh ker ver  
24636 Martha Rogers, widow of Jackson Conrad F
24638 Te th lic ke, widow of Ko ot see F
24640 Roady McIntosh, mother of Harry McIntosh E
24642 Tuck wee hick chee, widow of Och ees hargo H
24646 Pittee, widow of Lit tif ha jo G
24648 Pokoflash Sponna, widow of Sponna K
24650 I ya be, widow of Tusci cia hajo C
24652 Rachel Yarcher, mother of Jack C
24654 Pa ne, mother of Ya ha e mas set ceh D
24656 Sampson Steadhim, father of John Steadhim C
24658 Tiffy, widow of Me hit ces ka hu coh D
24660 Low we sa, widow of Hok e co hop poe per seh D
24662 Ann Brown, widow of Isaac, o-d Sergt. K
24664 Molly, widow of Wild Cat E
24666 Li mar ta, mother of Ar tus se mar ler E
24668 Fow we che, widow of Sem me co na yeh H
24670 Mis teh a kee, widow of No kos ya ho la G
24672 Ish chim bah, widow of Ka keh ge he goh H
24792 Nancy Marshall, widow of Lester A
24794 Nanny, widow of Cottroche B
24802 Le wah hok te, widow of Te ha lla theh? A
24812 Lup ho kee, widow of Fas ha goh A
24814 Sally, widow of Ma lles sseh A
24820 Char cher mek ko, father of A ha llak if fose koh A
25907 Tilda, widow of Ar lar luc yar hollar E
26273 John Sheah, guardian minor child of Car cah pa na K
26302 John Harrison, guardian minor child of Emarlo hajo C
28135 Cinta, widow of Fah yah ne ho la A
28145 Pinsa, mother of John Walker  
28149 Tick lum mi gee, widow of Kan tella ha goh H
28151 Yah nee, widow of Ko nup ha jo D
28153 Pa con thla, widow of James Johnson K
28155 Lizzie, widow of Jack Hawkins G
28157 Lucinda Grayson, widow of Robert Grayson D

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
W. F. Cady
Actg. Commissioner

Capt. F. A. Field
U. S. Ind. Agent
Creek Agency
Ind. Territory