[M234, roll 232, frames 259-269]

A list of some Creek Indians who applied for Bounty Land.
Pages 7-9

"List of applications for Bounty Land, of Mus Ko Kee, or Creek Indians, made under act of March 3d, 1855 and not acted upon by the Dept."

Original pages: 1-3 ... 4-6 ... 7-9 ... 10-11 ... Claims arranged by heirs ... Claims arranged by warriors

page 7

Heirs Warriors
Names of Towns Names of Heirs Relation Names of Warriors In what war served Date of Service
Euchee Tish tay child Chittalefee British 1814
Euchee A thlo thlah child Joe Hostilities 1836
Euchee Timmy child Po kun Thlah Hostilities 1836
Cowassarte Ospodark   Ospolark Harjo Hostilities 1836
Cowassarte   - Warlocco Harjo Hostilities 1836
Cowassarte Milley child Micco Hadkee Hostilities 1836
Cowassarte Sim me hoke child Hillabee Harjo Hostilities 1836
Cowassarte Fanny child Ock chan Harjo Hostilities 1836
Tallissee     Billy Seminole 1818
Tallissee     Oke lisser Micco Seminole 1818
Tallissee     Cotcha Hajo Hostilities 1836
Tallissee Lucy Locco widow Micco Yoholo Hostilities 1836
Tallissee Lacey child Emarthloche Hostilities 1836
Tallissee Josiah child Suck chally Hostilities 1836
Tallissee Mis coody child Ta wan na Hostilities 1836
Tallissee Lucy child Kunchart Emarthlar Hostilities 1836
Tallissee Jackson child Isfarne Yoholo
(or Stim au baujo)
Seminole 1818
Tuckabatche     Cotchir Yoholo Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco     Micco che Seminole 1818
Talwar Thlocco     Par loc thle Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco     Suk har top ke Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco     Arhar loc Fixico Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco     Tar cose Harjo (or Yoholo) Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco     Sul let ti ke Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco     Ho lot te Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco     Me te che Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco Homarholar widow Arwoliche Seminole 1818
Talwar Thlocco Ar ko nar he widow Oak mul ge    
Talwar Thlocco     Bi uc ke?    
Talwar Thlocco Cle sun nar ke,
Cle se po che, &
Se tin har larte
child Coke ho e thlar Hostilities 1836
Talwar Thlocco Mar thlar child Yar Tar war Harjo Seminole 1818

page 8

Heirs Warriors
Names of Towns Names of Heirs Relation Names of Warriors In what war served Date of Service
Lower Eufaula     Chofolop Harjo Hostilities 1836
Lower Eufaula     Billy Hostilities 1836
Lower Eufaula     Mose Hostilities 1836
Lower Eufaula Is har lar te widow Nocose Emarthla Hostilities 1836
Lower Eufaula Wi kee child Foos hatch Haujo Seminole 1818
Lower Eufaula Sally child She onah top pe (or Fose Harjo) Seminole 1818
Lower Eufaula Mary child Nocosille Harjo Hostilities 1836
Lower Eufaula Cle me har ke child Alboarta Micco Florida 1836-7
O kar wi ke     Cho Harjo Hostilities 1836
O kar wi ke Lucy & Betsey child Chunubee Emarthlau British 1814
O kar wi ke Maria child Hopie Emauthlau British 1814
O kar wi ke Sut che mit che
& Mar lar che
child Octiarche Fixico Hostilities 1836
Hitchite     Cho na ke Seminole 1818
Hitchite Loueza widow Noble Kinnard Seminole 1818
Hitchite Wattie & Batie child Hothlauboyau British 1814
Hitchite Nit ti ye & Hi at ker child Tommy Harjo (or La mar te) British 1814
Hitchite Sin no te & Sally child Ne he thlocco chopco British 1814
Hitchite Harrison & Silla child Coosau Harjo British 1814
O ke te yark ore & Sowokolo     Fick a li kee Hostilities 1836
O ke te yark ore & Sowokolo Wesley child Stim on a he (or Cho mo te) Seminole 1818
O ke te yark ore & Sowokolo Loueza child Sotar he char
(or Cotcho Tustunnuggee)
Seminole 1818
O ke te yark ore & Sowokolo Delila Stidham widow Thomas Stidham Seminole 1818
Tarskegee     Nocose Emarthla Hostilities 1836
Tarskegee George child Nit tar hum me che Hostilities 1836
Tarskegee Cheparne child Konip Emarthla Hostilities 1836
Lower Eufaula     Hobulga Fixico Hostilities 1836

page 9

Heirs Warriors
Names of Towns Names of Heirs Relation Names of Warriors In what war served Date of Service
Okfuskee     Sallarte (or Fose hat che Emarthla) Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee     Oak chun Yoholo Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee Ti e cher widow Tome Ohola Seminole 1818
Okfuskee Char nee child Artus Hajo Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee Thomas & Lucinda child Ar har loc Harjo Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee Arnie child Neah Hajo Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee Me see child Sparne Fixico Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee Haney child Fi o Fixico Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee Eliza child Tusekia Chupco (or Tun wo lup ke) Seminole 1818
Okfuskee An no che child Concharte Fixico (or Hu li chu bee) Seminole 1818
Okfuskee Nicey & So li che child Isfarne Harjo (or Cow a pe che) Seminole 1818
Okfuskee Sin fin nuc kee child Yoholo Micco Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee Polly & Tim ma li ke child Par hose Yoholo Hostilities 1836
Okfuskee Che co see child Tal war ne ha thlocco
(or Sin ho e thlar)
Seminole 1818
Okfuskee Hoyarne child Micco Harjo (or Mar tar way) Seminole 1818
Okfuskee Sunnie child Echo Emarthla (or Much is i ga) Seminole 1818

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