[National Archives microfilm, A-41]

1870 Payroll to the 1832 Creek Orphans

1832 Creek Orphans: 1860 Census ... 1867 Census ... 1870 Payroll ... 1883 Payroll

Excerpt from Senate Ex. doc. no. 246, 42nd Congress, 2nd Session(April 1872)

"   This claim grows out of the treaty made with the Creeks on the 24th of March, 1832.

  By that treaty 20 sections of land, to be selected by the President, were reserved "to the orphan children of the Creeks", and were directed to be "retained or sold for their benefit, as the President may direct." He did direct that they should be sold, and they were sold under the provisions of the act of March 3, 1837, and the proceeds, amounting to $108,713.82, invested in stocks. The third section of that act authorized the interest to be paid to the Creeks "in such amounts and in such manner" as in the opinion of the President would be most adventageous to them, and the principal, whenever the President should think proper.

This sum and it's interest have been reinvested, and now amount to a large sum, probably $275,000. This is exclusive of the payments that have been made, under the order of the President, two in number, one August 26, 1868, of $106, 434.12, and the other, July 1, 1870, of $24,291.63.  

See also a letter from the Principal Chiefs of the Creek Nation to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, regarding the Creek Orphan fund.

   Part of this Creek Orphan trust fund was paid to approximately 572 Creek Indians (or their heirs). The following is transcription from the 1870 Creek Orphan Payroll reproduced at the beginning of National Archives microfilm A-41. Listed are the orphan number, orphan's name and sex, and heir's name and sex. Keep in mind that an heir could also be a niece, nephew, or cousin. This 1870 payroll is arranged by tribal town. (The 1883 payroll adds another person at number 386. Also the town names of Towarsar, Osoche, and Hutchechuppa don't appear on the original 1883 roll but have been added to the 1883 transcription). The heir index is arranged by first name only.

1870 Creek Orphan Payroll

Part 1, Orphans 1-166
Part 2, Orphans 167-314
Part 3, Orphans 315-462
Part 4, Orphans 463-572

Index to Heirs (by first name only):
A-Ai ... Ai-Ch ... Ch-El ... El-Ha ... Ha-Is ... Is-Ka ... Ka-Lu ... Lu-Mo ... Mo-No ... No-Sa ... Sa-Si ... Si-Ta ... Te-Tu ... Tu-Yu