1857 Creek Pay-roll

A receipt roll for a per capita payment of $20.10 made under Article 6 of Treaty of Aug. 7, 1856. This pay roll was certified by the chiefs of the Creek Nation on Aug. 10, 1857 and by Elias Rector (Superintendent for Southern Superintendency) on Aug. 29, 1857.  A negative photo-static copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-23, roll 1, item 2 (lower towns), item 3 (upper towns).  [1857 Old Settler's Roll

The microfilm is reproduced here at Ancestry (subscription required). Unfortunately the source and microfilm are very poor quality.  Last updated 13 Nov 2020.

Index of towns included on the 1857 Creek Pay-roll

" We the undersigned, heads of families and individuals without families, of and comprising the Creek Nation of Indians, do hereby acknowledge to him received of and from Elias Rector, United States Superintendent of Indian Affairs, the sums opposite our names and signatures respectively and that the same is in full of our per capita shares of the sum of three hundred thousand dollars appropriated by the Congress of the United States, in part fulfillment of the 6th Article of the Treaty with the Creek and Seminole Indians of August 7th, 1856." 

  Lower Creek Towns Page No. of
No. of
1 Coweta 1-24 269 697 36-59
2 Emaha 24-28 30 153 59-62
3 Es El La Na Bee 28-35 44 217 63-69
4 Broken Arrow 35-50 145 488 70-84
5 Concharte 50-58 64 292 85-92
6 Oak Choy 58-62 35 140 93-96
7 Che Yar Har 62-68 75 192 97-103
8 Eufala 68-76 82 229 103-111
9 Big Springs 76-85 90 273 111-119
10 Hutche Chubbe 85-87 16 67 120-121
11 Ockfuske 87-89 17 ? 122-123
12 So Woc Lo 89-92 40 96 124-127
13 Tulway Thlocco 93 6 23 128
14 Pi An Ke Shaw 94 8 27 129
15 Cha Key Thlocco     95-97 24 93 130-132
16 Sand  98 10 31 133
17 Hillibee 99-101 33 107 134-136
18 Os We Che 102 36 83 137-139
19 Tuckabatchee 105-107 20 82 140-142
20 Lo Cho Po Kah 107-114 78 273 142-149
21 Oke Te Yakney 115-117 28 98 150-152
22 Tuskegee 118-119 18 77 153-154
23 Wok Ko Koy 120-123 32 168 155-158
24 Oh Kan Wikey 124-126 28 --- 159-161
25 Cowassaude 126-131 56 148 161-166
26 Ho Tulle Ho Yanar 131-133 27 70 166-168
27 Euchee 134-159 284 875 169-194
28 Tal Sa Hatchee 161-163 29 82 196-198
29 Tallidagee 164-176 126 510 199-211
30 Hitchite 177-185 110 254? 212-220
31 Towns of Creeks in
Cherokee Nation
186-189 170 579 221-234
32 Cusseta 200 234 --- 235-254
  Upper Creek Towns Page No. of
No. of
33 Tuckabatchee [PDF] 1-18 197 919 259-276
34 Kialiche 19-28 89 492 277-286
35 Upper Eufala 29-35 69 284 287-293
36 Thlewarle 36-41 51 241 294-299
37 Hillibee 42-46 40 185 300-303
38 Ar Pih Cah 46-53 60 334 304-311
39 Thlop Thlocco 54-61 74 355 312-319
40 Fish Pond 62-69 66 340 320-327
41 Puccon Tallarharse     70-74 41 208 328-332
42 Weogufkee 75-79 39 235 333-337
43 Lokopotoy 80-83 32 174 338-341
44 Hickory Ground 84-88 52 187 342-346
45 O So Che 89 7 12 347
46 Tallassee 90-101 113 536 348-359
47 Took Pofka 102-105 29 172 360-363
48 Wewokah 106-110 44 211 364-368
49 Shawnee 111-115 40 199 369-373
50 Artussee 116-122 68 233 374-380
51 Tulmochussie 123-126 37 177 381-384
52 Char Too Sofkar 127-141 151 685 385-299
53 Arpihcoche 142-147 53 277 400-404
54 Oakchoyoche 148-152 543 215 405-409
55 New Yarkar 153-159 60 290 410-416
56 Hillabee 159-164 55 209 416-421
57 Tuskegee 165-168 34 164 422-425
58 Tal War Thlocco     169-170 15 74 426-427
