[Senate Doc. 512, vol. 246, page 498]

Tuckebatchee, Creek Nation, 
October 16, 1832. 


In the course of my labors in taking the census of the Creek tribe of Indians, in accordance with the treaty made and concluded the 24th March, 1832, between the said tribe and the United States, I beg leave to propound a few inquiries, in addition to some already made. To wit: there is a number of free black families that seem to be in every way identified with these people, and the only difference is the color. I have taken their numbers in all cases, but am I to take them as heads of families for reservations or not? For those persons I have thought proper to make a separate book, and will so continue until I hear from the department what disposition to make of them. There is also a number of slaves belonging to the Indians. Will the department want their numbers taken? In the course of this business, I have found some difficulty. The Indians have had a great dislike to giving in, only in the presence of their chiefs. I have also been retarded by some officious persons below the line. I hope, however, to surmount all those difficulties without much more trouble hereafter, as I have been able to make full explanation, and to convince the Indians the necessity of their full compliance on their part of the treaty, so as to enable them the more fully to enjoy the benefits arising from it; and, also, I deem it my duty to say to the department, that I find some aged persons, male and female, whose children have gone and left them, occupying separate tenements and without inmates. In many instances, those tenements appear to be ancient establishments; and I have thought it might be within the spirit and meaning of the treaty to number them for reservations, yet I have noted them for your decision. I have found this business much more tedious and difficult than I at first anticipated, many obstacles being thrown in the way; which at the onset, was very discouraging. I new feel much relieved from my former doubts. I am, at this time, in as rapid progress as l could reasonably expect. The chiefs here I have found extremely friendly; and through their aid, as well as some around, them, I attribute my rising prospects. And in relation to the two Indian boys brought out by Mr. Brodnax, from Washington city, I only can say, I have seen the son of Major T. Barnett. The boy said to me that he did not wish to return, that he thought he had a sufficient education to do him. My opinion is, that he is doing but little good. The other, I presume, is in the Eufaula, but have not seen him. 

I have the honor, &c.,
B. S. Parsons 

Hon. Lewis Cass, Sec'y of War.