[Senate Doc. 512, vol. 247, page 284]

Mobile, May 13, 1833


Your letter, directing that the investigation of claims, according to the treaty with the Creek Indians, should be transmitted by the mail and that I should expedite that and the census, I had the honor to receive, after some delay, and immediately wrote to Major Abbott, requesting him to forward the work of the board of commissioners; and to Majors Abbott and Parsons, urging them to complete and forward the census as soon as possible.

Major Abbott wrote me, that upon the 4th of April he had, from Fort Mitchell, forwarded the operations of the commissioners; and that the census would soon follow.

The talking the census was, I believe, very troublesome; the ignorance of the Indians, their dispersed situation, habits, and the inclement winter, had occasioned much unavoidable delay.

I was astonished to learn from Major Abbott, that Colonel Crowell might have communicated your wishes to Abbott much sooner than I, who was upwards of two hundred miles from the place of investigation. When you shall have examined the facts disclosed before the board of commissioners, and by them to you, I hope you will Perceive that there is good reasons for many of the requests made by the Upper Town chiefs, as to the payment of monies to their nation 

In Majors Parsons, Abbott, and myself, the Indians generally appeared to have some confidence, which, I hope, was not misplaced.  I presume some of the Indians and whites concerned in particular matters may complain of us, but I hope the department will see we were endeavoring to do our duty to all concerned.

I have the honor to be, & c.,
Enoch Parsons

E. Herring, Esq.,
Commisioner of Indian Affairs, Washington

P. S.   Major Parsons was compelled to retake the census in nine towns, to avoid frauds attempted to be practised upon him.

E. P.