Timothy Barnett, Jr.

PO: Wetumka, Oklahoma
Field Worker: Nettie Cain
Date: April 19, 1937
Interview , Vol. 13, page 460

Isparhecha War By Timothy Barnett, Jr.
Wetumka, Oklahoma

Timothy Barnett, Jr. (Creek) son of the Timothy Barnett, Sr. who was killed by the Pin Indians, was born October 8, 1869 at the old Wetumka.

Captain Sam Scott was Captain of the Light Horsemen and he and two other Light Horsemen had arrested an Indian for stealing and had taken him to Captain Sam Scott's home. Some of the Indians became very angry and went to Captain Scott's home and just after daybreak they attacked Captain Scott and the other two Light Horsemen, killing the three of them. Several days later, the law abiding Indians got together and they met the Isparcha Indians near Okemah. About ten of the Captain Sam Scott Indians were killed and several of the Isparecha's were killed.

Crazy Snake Rebellion

Crazy Snake did not want to have the allottment, said his people were living all right and they did not need the land, so he had several Light Horsemen under him that stood guard all the time, and not many of the Indians even went near him as he was very determined in his way. The Federal Government sent a man from Muskogee to see what he was willing to do. He said "No," that the land was given to the Indians. They tried to explain how much better off the ones were that had their allottments than the ones that did not have; but he would not agree to anything and when the report was made, a troop of soldiers were sent down and the same Government man was sent to tell him they had come to force him, and that he would either have to surrender or be killed. He gave himself up and went back to Muskogee with them and agreed to the allotment of land.

Fred Munson was sent out to ask Timothy Barnett to go with him to help make the allotments as he could speak both Creek and the English language and was well known among the Indians. However, the Indians were very bull-headed and would not choose their land and the two would have to give them the allotment wherever they found the land and after the papers were all written and signed the Indians refused to take it. Mr. Munson would just throw it down by their feet and walk off and leave them.

Several years later some of the Indians told Timothy Barnett that he did them a great favor when he made them take their allottments or otherwise they would not have had anything.