Letter from Frank Halsell, copy very hard to read

Rosedale, Miss
Jan. 9, 1921

Dear Alice

I will try to ans(wer) your letter now. Please don't think hard of me for not writing sooner for you know I could not ans(wer) it till I got it . You see I used to get my mail in the government mail box and the P.M.(Post master) gets my mail mixed up with uncle Sam's mail some times and that is why I didn't get your letter until right recently ...this leaves us in the  (end of copy)

Letter from Frank Halsell to sister Melviney "Vina" Hall, hard to read


Mrs Vina Hall

Dear sis
I write in ans(wer) to your letter I got a few days ago. Was indeed glad to hear from you. hope this find you well. Well Vina I am glad to know that you have got a --- a --- of mules? a --- or two and a few head of hogs is no drawback. If you are doing well Vina I would advise to stay there but if you are renting land to ---- (over)

Well hope it will find you all the same? So you are trapping for a beaver now --- Well I hope you catch the flat tailed rascal but if you don't catch him come on down here and I will help you catch you(r) coon ----- there is some down here with lips? long enough to snap a ----- off their own ear. I guess you are done picking cotton by this time. Why don't you come down and visit us till time to plow

cotton. This is a cotton country. Why not come down and see us ...........you have got plenty of time before crop time. I have got a nice location two houseboats and a tent. 7 head of hogs, 32 head of chickens, two goats, two good ------ ----- got ----- ------ Dollars ---- by and ---- out of debt and you know I want work, would sure be glad to see you ans(wer) soon
Your old Bud Frank