[Taken from Eastern Creeks website]

Josiah Fisher family's land claim

5. The Heirs of Josiah Fisher, a white man and Indian Country man. His situation was similar to James Earls, and if he had lived his claim would have been as good, and consequently the claim of his children by an Indian woman has been admitted, indeed their claim as natives of the nation is sustainable without reference to their father. They claim Fraction 8th in Sect. 8, Townp. 5, Range 4.

6. The widow of the above named Josiah Fisher an Indian woman claims one third part of the foregoing fraction.


We the heirs of Josiah Fisher a White man and Indian Country man, To wit Samuel and Benjamin claim for ourselves and brothers and sisters who are now minors 640 acres of land under the 2nd section of the Act of Congress of March 3rd 1817. To wit.

Fraction 8 in township 5, Range 4, fraction 8 on the west side of the Alabama River. [map]

We Samuel Fisher and Benjamin Fisher heirs of Josiah Fisher a White man an Indian Country man do solemnly swear that our father Josiah Fisher aforesaid did occupy and cultivate the above described tract of land at the commencement of the War and that he reoccupied it immediately after the Creek War and continued to occupy it until his death which was in August 1816 and that he the said Josiah Fisher was actively friendly during the said War to the United States, and that I Samuel Fisher and my father were wounded in an attempt to procure provisions during the time we were stationed in Fort Madison.

Sworn to before me this 11th December 1818.
D. B. Mitchell
Agent for I. A.

Samuel X Fisher
his mark
Benjamin X Fisher
his mark

I James Simmons do solemnly swear that I knew Josiah Fisher to have occupied and cultivated the tract of land above named where the family of Josiah Fisher aforesaid now lives at the commencement of the late war and that he occupied the said tract of land immediately after the war until his death, and that he and his sons having left the fort for the purpose of procuring provisions returned wounded, his son Samuel being wounded at the same time and that he has cause to believe they were wounded by the Hostile Indians, and that I lived in Fort Madison.

Sworn to before me with him this 11th December 1818.
D. B. Mitchell
Agent for I. A.

James X Simmons
his mark

I Arthur Sizemore a half breed and Indian Country man do solemnly swear that Josiah Fisher occupied and cultivated the tract of land above described where his family now lives at the commencement of the Creek War and that he occupied it immediately after the War until his death. And that he has reason to believe he the said Fisher and his son Samuel Fisher were wounded by the Hostile Indians during said war.

Sworn to before me this 11th December 1818.
D. B. Mitchell
Agent for I. A.

Arthur X Sizemore
his mark


See mah wey Fisher the wife of Josiah Fisher deceased, claims under the 2nd section of the act before mentioned one third of the above described tract of land

D. B. Mitchell
Agent for I. A.

Seemahwey X Fisher
her mark

I Polly Sizemore do solemnly swear that the above named See mah wey Fisher was the wife of Josiah Fisher deceased.

Sworn to before me this 11th December 1818.
D. B. Mitchell
Agent for I. A.

Polly X Sizemore
her mark

I William F Ware late a Captain in the United States service was personally acquainted with Josiah Fisher a considerable time before his death. I was with him frequently during his last illness and believe he died of the Pleurisy about two years after he was wounded. The said Fisher declared before his death that he was a native of Pennsylvania and did not intend to claim land believing himself not entitled.

Sworn to before me this 11th December 1818.
D. B. Mitchell
Agent for I. A.

W. F. Ware