

Index ... Part: 1 ... 2 ... 3

Testimony of Stephen Hawkins.

Georgia, Baldwin County:

By virtue of a commission from his excellency the Governor of Georgia, to us directed, to receive and examine testimony in relation to the charges lately preferred by the Governor aforesaid against John Crowell, agent for Indian affairs in the Creek Nation of Indians, we have taken the examination of Stephen Hawkins, a while man resident in said nation, who, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith:

That he has resided in the Creek Nation thirtyeight years, or thereabouts; that, on the second day of May last, he was on his way from Fort Jackson to his residence at Chelokonojah, in the nation; he was stopped by eight or ten Indians, who belonged to the hostile party; they seemed to be headed by John Riley, a half-breed; Riley told him they were sent by Hopoithle Yoholo, a Tuckaubatchee chief, to take all the property belonging to the Hawkins' and McIntosh, and carry it to Tuckaubatchee; they took what property they [he] had with him, except two horses, (one of which he was riding, and the other rode by his wife,) which they afterwards took, and carried away; the property to be had on the road was two negro boys and a thousand yards of homespun, two sacks of salt, besides a number of other articles; he told them that they ought not to take his property; that he had nothing to do with the treaty: Riley replied to him, that Hopoithle Yoholo had ordered him to do so, and that the agent (Colonel Crowell) had ordered Hopoithle Yoholo to have it done. Some of the same party met at his house and took what lie had there, being some other negroes and other property. That, in consequence of the conduct of the hostile party, he left the nation, apprehending that they would kill him; they did kill his son, Samuel Hawkins; all his family had to leave the nation, through fear; he now lives near Fort Jackson, in Alabama.

Stephen Hawkins, his + mark.

Sworn to and subscribed before us, this 21st day of June, 1825.

Warren Jourdan,
W. W. Williamson,
W. H. Torrance,

Testimony of John W. Freeman.

Georgia, Baldwin County:

John W. Freeman was this day brought before us, as two of the commissioners appointed by the Governor of the State aforesaid, to take testimony in relation to the conduct of John Crowell, agent for Indian affairs for the Creek Nation of Indians, in obedience of an order issued by us for that purpose; and being duly sworn to state all the facts and circumstances which came to his knowledge, and also what he had heard, upon which his opinions were founded, deposeth as follows:

That, on or about the 3d day of May last, he arrived at the house of Haynes Crabtree, in the Indian nation, four miles from Fort Mitchell, at night, when information was given that four painted Indians had been seen near there, inquiring if that was not Crabtree's house. From this circumstance, and the fact that Carr (a mixed blooded man) had run away from their house, a considerable alarm was excited, and apprehensions entertained that the Indians intended some other great violence, in addition to the murder of McIntosh, which had just then taken place. Having my family with me, we set forward the next morning on our way to Georgia. When we arrived at Sukey Randal's, on Little Uchee, she said that the Indians were going to kill Crowell, and that she told them, if they did, they would play hell. We then proceeded, and arrived at Fort Mitchell: we there saw Colonel John Crowell, (the agent,) who informed me that a runner had come to him from a town thirty miles off, who informed him the night before that the Indians were going to kill him that night, (Tuesday night;) that he had collected a guard to protect him, and had about one hundred to guard him; I saw his house (in which he staid) had been barricaded by bales of blankets.

General Bernard, and the others who were exploring the road route, were at Fort Mitchell that night. I saw many of the Indians, who were painted, and Colonel Crowell said that he could raise three or four hundred to guard him by night, and that they were not necessary in the day, as the Indians did not attack in the day. I suggested to Colonel Crowell the propriety of calling on the Governors of Georgia and Alabama for assistance; that I thought they were bound by the constitution to render him aid. He said he differed with me; that he had not a doubt that the Governor of Alabama would render him all the aid in his power; that, as to Georgia, he had nothing to say  he had rather be damned, or go to hell, (I do not recollect which,) than ask assistance of Governor Troup. He told me he would send for the Little Prince, (and did send while I was present,) to ask his opinion whether he had better leave the nation; and if he concluded to go, when he saw the Little Prince, that he would accompany me; but that he thought it his duty to stay there at all hazards. I left him at the river. I met a number of Indians going to Fort Mitchell. When I arrived at Moss's I learned that Hambly's wife and family had left their house and taken to the woods, which is usually done when the Indians go to war. Colonel Crowell said he was not surprised at the " damned fuss," nor ought the Government to be, as he had apprized it that a similar excitement would take place if the treaty was ratified.

When I arrived at the agency, I saw Henry Crowell, and informed him of his brother's situation, at the request of his brother, (John Crowell.) He said that when he was at the talk, the Monday before the death of McIntosh, he saw the devil was in them, (the Indians;) that lie advised his brother, Tom Crowell, to move his goods away from Fort Mitchell, and offered him his (Henry Crowell's) own wagon and learn to take them off. With regard to what took place at the house of Kendal Lewis, in the nation, I must decline to give any testimony, until it be ascertained whether he can be compelled to give his testimony; and, in case of his continued refusal to do so, I will then have no objection to state it in full.

J. W. Freeman.

Examined, sworn to, and subscribed before us, this 8th day of July, 1825.

Wm. H. Torrance,
Seaborn Jones,

Deposition of Haynes Crabtree.

Creek Nation, Uchee Bridge, July 4, 1825.

By virtue of a commission from his excellency the Governor of the State of Georgia, to us directed, to receive and examine testimony, in relation to the conduct of John Crowell, agent for Indian affairs in the Creek Nation, we have caused Haynes Crabtree to come before us, who, being duly sworn, saith: That he is well acquainted with William Lott, a witness who has been examined in behalf of the Indian agent, Colonel Crowell; that he has known him since the year 1812; that the said William Lott has resided in the Creek Nation since that period; that he is well acquainted with the general character of said Lott; that the said Lott is, from his general character for ten or twelve years past, as the deponent verily believes, wholly unworthy of credit, on oath or otherwise.

Haynes Crabtree.

Sworn to and subscribed before us, this 4th day of July, 1825.

William H. Torrance,
Seaborn Jones,

Interrogatories to John A. Peck.

State of Alabama, Montgomery County:

By virtue of a commission to us directed, by his excellency the Governor of Georgia, to examine testimony in relation to the conduct of Colonel John Crowell, the agent for Indian affairs in the Creek Nation, we have caused John A. Peck to come before us, at the house of Benjamin Williamson, in the town of Montgomery, who answered the following inquiries, and was duly sworn to the truth of the same.

1st. Have you not lately resided in the Creek Nation, at the Creek agency? If yea, how long did you live there — whether on the Flint river or Chattahoochie river; and in what capacity did you act? When did you go there to live, and when did you leave there?

2d. Where was the distributing post office kept in the Creek Nation when you first went there to live, and by whom? Was it removed, and to what place? How long was the distribution really made at the place to which it w.as removed? and were not packages for a long time addressed to the Creek Agency, when they were really distributed at Fort Mitchell, or Princeton, on the Chattahoochie? and who was postmaster when it was done?

3d. Were you present at Broken Arrow when the treaty was attempted to be made in December last, by Colonel Campbell and Major Merriwether, United States commissioners, with the Creek Indians?

4th. Did you not act as clerk to the Indians in their council to draw up their talks, and do such other writings as you were directed by them?

5th. Do you not know or believe (and state the reasons for your belief) that Colonel John Crowell was opposed to a treaty and cession of lands, and that he exercised his influence with the Indians to prevent one?

6th. Did not Colonel Crowell and William Walker, late and then subagent, or Walker, with the knowledge, consent, and approbation of Colonel Crowell, assist the Indians, by advice and counsel, and other ways, (and in what ways,) in drawing their talk or talks in answer to the commissioners, and refusing to sell any land?

7th. When the United States commissioners called on Colonel Crowell for certain papers, (some of which were in your possession,) did not Colonel Crowell advise you not to give them up, and were they not withheld?

8th. Do you know of any act or conversation of Colonel Crowell which goes to show that he opposed the treaty at Fort Mitchell or Broken Arrow? If yea, state the same.

9th. Were you present at the treaty at the Indian Springs?

10th. Do you know of any act or conversation of Colonel Crowell which goes to show that he did not sincerely and earnestly endeavor to influence the Indians to a cession of land at the Indian Springs? If yea, state the same at large.

11th. Have you seen the testimony of Jesse Cox, as published in the newspapers of Milledgeville, Georgia?

12th. Were you not at Fort Mitchell or Princeton when that conversation which he testifies to look place? If yea, state whether you did not hear it, or one substantially the same, at that place and time; and whether you have not at other times heard similar observations made by the agent, Colonel Crowell, and when and where?

13th. Were not the Indians unfriendly to the treaty, and McIntosh, or many of the chiefs and headmen, about that time assembled at Broken Arrow, and holding secret councils? If yea, what was the general [report] of the business they were on? Did not the agent know or hear that general report? and did he really and earnestly take any measures to prevent their violent counsels, or soothe and conciliate their angry feelings?

14th. Was it not known by many persons, and have you not reasons to believe that Colonel Crowell knew, that some of the chiefs at that time had determined to kill McIntosh? If yea, state those reasons, and whether Colonel Crowell gave any information of it, or attempted to prevent it.

Answers of John A. Peck to the interrogatories put to him by the Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Georgia,

To the 1st. That he removed to the agency on Flint river about the 5th of February, 1822, and resided there till about the 12th March, 1824, when he removed to Fort Mitchell, where he resided till near the last of April, 1825, when he cemoved to this place, (Montgomery.) About a month after he came to the agency he attended to a store for Thomas Crowell, and acted as assistant postmaster; after a short time he quit the store and attended only to the post office, and did such writing for the agent as he called on him to do; and when he resided at Fort Mitchell, he was assistant postmaster.

To the 2d. The distributing post office was kept at Fort Mitchell, (called Cowetah,) now Princeton, by John S. Porter; it was removed to the agency on Flint river; for some time the distribution was done at the agency; and, from the inconvenience of opening the mail in the daytime, the unhealthiness of the agent, and other reasons, I spoke to Colonel Crowell to apply for its removal to Fort Mitchell. Upon receiving a letter from the postmaster authorizing it to be done, the distributing post office was removed to Princeton, and the business done there; the packages were addressed to the agency, as must be the case on every removal for some time. Colonel Crowell was the postmaster, and I was his assistant. To the 3d and 4th. I was present, and acted as clerk to the council, though I did not attend the council every day; and I drew up their talks, and did such writing as they requested me to do.

To the 5th. I do not know, nor do I believe, that Colonel Crowell was opposed to a treaty for the cession of lands, from any reasons that I have; nor do I know of his exercising any influence to prevent the cession.

To the 6th. I do not know that he did.

To the 7th. When the call was made, Colonel Crowell came and applied to me, and asked if I had any papers which had been called for; I told him I had some papers which had been given to me by the Little Prince in council; he then requested me to give them up; to which I replied, I would not give them up, except to the chiefs, and I was ready to do so at any time; Colonel Crowell did not advise me not to give them up, but requested me, if they were not very important, to give them up, as the commissioners were already jealous of him.

To the 8th. I know of none; on the contrary, he was quite reserved with me on that point.

To the 9th. I was not.

To the 10th. I do not.

To the 11th and 12th. I was living at that place at that time, and have no recollection of seeing Mr. Jesse Cox there at that time, and, of course, I have no recollection of any conversation held in his presence. I have heard the agent say the Big Warrior was dead, and he expected he was gone to hell, where he expected many more of us would go. This was in jovial conversation, at table.

I have also heard it stated (but whether from the agent I cannot now recollect) that the Indians were damned fools if they did not enforce their law and kill McIntosh. And I have heard it said that he said, if they did not kill McIntosh, he would never do any thing for them as long as he lived; but I never heard him say so.

To the 13th. I know of one council that was held there in April last, which was for the payment of their annuity; that the agent then told them they must put up with the bargain; that he had been to Washington, and had been able to do this much for them — that the money was to be divided among them all, as well those who did not as those who did sign the treaty. They asked him if he signed the treaty; he told them he did, but only as a witness; he then left the square. After a few hours, Big Warrior's son, Hopoithle Yoholo, and a few others came to interpreter's quarters, and abused the agent for having sold their land. The interpreter (Hambly) then sent for the agent; when he came, the Indians abused him, and said that he was a landseller; he endeavored to explain to them the difference between his signing as a witness and as a party, but they were not satisfied, and left him abruptly. While the Indians were abusing Hambly, it was done in Indian, and they appeared to be in a passion; Tuskenehau (Big Warrior's son) appeared very much so. I asked Hambly what he said: as soon as they ceased, and were talking together, Hambly told me Hopoithle Yoholo and others abused him for selling the land, and that he (Hambly) had replied, Yes, that he had done so, and, if they did not. behave themselves, he would sell the balance, and them with it. After this I saw Tuskenau, (Big Warrior's son,) Hopoithle Yoholo, Little Prince, and Yaha Haijo, Yoholo Micco, and another, go out in the woods, and hold a secret and private council, but I do not know what it was for.

[NOTE. — The Indian name was first written in this answer wrong, when, at witness's request, it was stricken out, and written Tuskenau, who is Big Warrior's son.]

To the 14th. I suspected that the secret council was for that purpose, and named it to Captain Triplett, who laughed at me, and said they dared not. I told [him] I had a great mind to tell the agent my suspicions: he replied, he will only laugh at you; and I then said no more about it. I do not know whether the agent knew or suspected it.

When I first came to the agency, I did believe Colonel Crowell was interested in the store, and remained of that opinion till he came from Washington in 1822, and I have sometimes thought so since. When I was first spoken to to come out, it was by Colonel Crowel), though he then told me he was not interested in the store; that it was his brother. While I was acting as a clerk in the store, he was particular in looking over and telling me how things ought to be done, though this may have been from his interest for his brother's doing well.

John A. Peck.

The facts in the foregoing seven [MS.] pages were read over and corrected by the witness, and then sworn to, and subscribed by us, this 30th day of June, 1825.

W. H. Torrance,
Seaborn Jones,

Memorandum of testimony which, it is said, will be furnished by Colonel White, of Florida.

In Milledgeville, Colonel White heard Hawkins ask Crowell about the death of his brother, saying that he had heard that Crowell had said that he (Hawkins) was killed in conformity with the law of the nation. Crowell said he did not know they had such a law. Hawkins replied that he (Crowell) knew very well there was no such law; and, if there was such a law, it was his duty to have known it.

Testimony of Angus Colquhoun.

Georgia, Baldwin County:

Personally appeared before me Angus Colquhoun, who, being duly sworn, saith: That on the last day of March past he stopped for the night at the Creek agency, being on his way from Louisiana. The Creek agency was then the residence of Henry Crowell, the brother of the Indian agent. At the supper table that night a conversa­tion was held between said Crowell and deponent concerning the Indian chief General McIntosh, in which Crowell stated that McIntosh was a damned tory and traitor to his country. The deponent stated to him that he thought not; that he believed McIntosh was the best friend, both to the Creeks and the United States, that was among the Indians; and asked Crowell if he considered that the nation was the ally of Great Britain during the war. He said not, but that a majority of the Creeks were in favor of Great Britain; that McIntosh only remained friendly to the United States through fear, and for money, if his principles could be known. Deponent stated to him that actions spoke louder than words. On the next morning the conversation in relation to McIntosh was resumed, when depo­nent stated to Crowell that he supposed that a treaty had been effected, [which] would fulfil the compact of the United States with Georgia in relation to the Indian lands. He replied, yes, that damned tory McIntosh had sold his country and himself along with it; but that the measure of his days was nearly full, and he would be damned if they (using the expression we) did not see to it. Here the conversation ceased.


Sworn and subscribed before me, this 10th day of September, 1825.

H. ALLEN, J. I. C.

Testimony of Samuel Howard Fay.

savannah, July 1, 1825.

I certify that I stopped at Mr. Henry Crowell's house, on my return from Alabama, on the 8th of May last, and, in speaking of the probability of Governor Troup's punishing the Indians for the murder of McIntosh, I heard Mr. Crowell make a declaration similar to the following: " That if Governor Troup were to attempt to punish the Indians, he (Crowell) would leave his wife, family, and property, and go over to the Indians, head them, and go his death with them." I believe these were the precise words of Mr. Crowell, as near as I can recollect. It is the substance of his declaration.


Sworn to before me this 1st July, 1825.

W. C. DANIEL, Mayor.

Testimony of Philip Scoggin.

This will certify that I have been acquainted with William Edwards for the last five or six years. He came to this State from Tennessee, on foot, with a Tennessee wagoner, and resided some time in Jasper county, where he employed himself sometimes in distilling spirits, sometimes in drinking and dissipating, gambling, and idleness. He left the settlement, and afterwards went off to the Creek nation, (by report) very much indebted. It was com­monly believed and reported that he went to the nation to avoid paying his just debts. Although I know nothing of an infamous or criminal nature against him, yet he was considered as a man of bad habits and of a dissipated character, and not esteemed as a good or respectable citizen.

Given from under my hand, the 6th of September, 1825.


Testimony of David C. Wallic.

monroe county, September 14, 1825.

I have been acquainted with William Edwards for upwards of twelve months, and know him to be a low, trifling man. His habits have been of a very reprehensible kind; drunkenness, idleness, and gambling were his principal pursuits since he went to Joseph Marshall's. After he had lived with Joseph Marshall for some time, Marshall turned him off from his employ, and told me he had done so because he had good reason, to believe Edwards had cheated him out of a thousand dollars, by giving away his goods to Indian squaws, and making no account of them. Edwards has given goods to Indian squaws, and then charged them to me, so that Marshall might not detect him; but I discovered it, and exposed him to Marshall. I would not believe William Edwards on his oath; for, after he returned from McIntosh's, with Joseph Marshall, in April last, he (Edwards) informed me that an Indian talk would be held there shortly. He has since sworn that no talk or meeting of the chiefs did take place to give consent to survey the land; and I know, or have good reason to believe, that Edwards did not return to McIntosh's at the time the Indian chiefs were to have assembled; and I cannot conceive how he could positively assert they did not meet, except he had been there himself, which I am confident was not the fact.


Witness — John P. Denner.


Testimony of William Barnard.

Georgia, Chatham county, City of Savannah:

Personally appeared before me, William C. Daniel, mayor of the above-named city, William Barnard, of the State and county aforesaid, who, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith:

That he was at the house of Colonel John Crowell, Creek agent, at the agency, in company with Michee Barnard and Timpochee Barnard, half-breed Creek Indians, about three weeks after the failure of the negotiations at Broken Arrow. This failure became the subject of conversation between Colonel Crowell and the half-breeds present, and the former remarked that it had been publicly attributed to him; that, for his part, if he was continued the agent, he would be willing to remove with them west of the Mississippi, where game would be more abundant, and which he thought a better country than that at present occupied by the Creeks. He further informed Michee and Timpochee Barnard that another treaty would be held at the Indian Springs, and that he believed McIntosh would sell the lands; upon which Michee Barnard, showing much irritation, said that, if the lands were sold, McIntosh would be killed. Colonel Crowell then observed that, if McIntosh was to be killed, it should be done before the lands were sold.

Upon the same or the following day, Michee Barnard said to this deponent, that when he returned home he would despatch runners to the chiefs of the Creek nation, proposing the breaking of McIntosh before the contem­plated treaty at the Indian Springs, for the purpose of defeating it.


Sworn to before me, in the city of Savannah, this 10th day of June, 1825.

W. C. DANIEL, Mayor.

Interrogatories to be exhibited to Brigadier General Alexander Ware.

1st. Do you know Joseph Marshall, an Indian chief of the Creek nation?

2d. Were you at an Indian council in April last, in the Creek nation, at or near the residence of the late Gen­eral McIntosh? If so, state, if you know, whether that council gave its consent to the Governor of Georgia to sur­vey the territory lately ceded by the Creeks to the United States for Georgia, or so much thereof as lies within the boundaries of Georgia. State all you know in relation to that consent, if given, and how.

3d. If you have ever heard said Marshall say any thing upon the subject of his consent to make that survey, please state how, and when, and where he gave it.

Georgia Commissioners.

Georgia, Fayette County:

Alexander Ware, being duly sworn true answers to make to interrogatories hereunto annexed, answers as fol­lows:

To the first interrogatory, he answers: I have known Joseph Marshall since Floyd's campaign in the Creek nation, but have had no conversation with him respecting the permission to survey the lately acquired territory.

To the second, he answers: About the 10th or 15th of last April I was at the house of General William Mcin­tosh, at which place were most of the principal chiefs of my acquaintance belonging to the friendly party. They met in council, and I learned from McIntosh and others that they unanimously agreed to let the Governor survey the land as soon as he pleased, and, also, that he might publish in the papers that any person who wished to pur­chase claims might be permitted to do so, by coming and enrolling their names. McIntosh asked me if I should have an opportunity of sending a letter to the Governor, and, on my replying that I would send it on immediatelv, he (McIntosh) gave me the letter containing their consent to the survey, and requested me to send it as soon as 1 could; and I conversed with several of the chiefs, both before and after the council, and they seemed anxious that the survey should be made, assigning as a reason that it would bring money into the nation.

To the third: Answered in the first.


Sworn to and subscribed this 1st day of September, 1825.


Testimony of Samuel Dorsey.

Georgia, Monroe County:

Personally came before me, C. M. Goody, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, Samuel Dorsey, who, being duly sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith:

That he was at or near one of the plantations of the late Samuel Hawkins, in the month of April last, when a party of Indians, under the command of Hopoithle Yoholo, of Tuckaubatchee, burnt his house, and destroyed and took off a great quantity of his property. The party afterwards assembled and remained a few days at old Mr. Hawkins's, the father of Samuel: while there, this deponent was also there, and had frequent conversations with Hopoithle Yoholo, who informed this deponent several times that it was Crowell, the agent, who had ordered to be done what was done; that McIntosh and the principal chiefs who signed the treaty must be killed, and their property destroyed or taken from them. This deponent was with this party when they were at Mrs. Eliza McIntosh's, on the Tallapoosa, a short distance from Samuel Hawkins's place, when they took and carried away a great deal or all of the property there that was not destroyed. Mrs. McIntosh asked the chiefs who had ordered them to do so; and Hopoithle Yoholo, in the presence and hearing of this deponent and Alexander Reid, stated that it was CrowelPs orders that they must kill McIntosh and the chiefs who signed the treaty, and take away or destroy their property. This deponent understood what he said in Indian in reply to Mrs. McIntosh, and as soon as he had finished speaking Mrs. McIntosh interpreted it to this deponent and Mr. Reid, and it was the same as this de­ponent had understood it himself, and as above stated.


Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 12th day of September, 1825.

C. M. GOODY, J. P.

Copy of the interrogatories exhibited to the Rev. Isaac Smith, with his answers.

Interrogatory 1. Did you not have a conversation with Colonel John Crowell before you wrote the letter which he published in the Georgia Journal? Answer. Yes, many.

Int. 2. Were you not requested by Colonel John Crowell to write it to him; and did he not know, previous to its being written, what would be the contents of it? Ans. No.

Int. 3. Were you in the council, and did you hear and understand the talks between the chiefs, when McIntosh regained their confidence? Ans. Yes, I understood what was interpreted.

Int. 4. Who was the white man who informed you that there were five hundred Indians that night to kill McIntosh for offering to sell their land? Ans. Mr. Hardrige.

Int. 5. Do you not believe that Colonel Crowell knew that the Indians were going to kill McIntosh before they did it; and that, too, in time to have warned him of his danger? Ans. No.

Int. 6. Do you believe or know that Colonel Crowell made any attempt to prevent the Indians from killing McIntosh? Ans. No.

Int. 7. What law of the nation was existing to require the killing of McIntosh for its enforcement? Did you ever see it? When was it passed, and where? And was McIntosh present when such law was made? Ans. A law which McIntosh proclaimed at ball-play, seen by nobody.

Int. 8. Is any law obligatory upon the nation, unless made in the council at Broken Arrow? Ans. The commissioners said so at Broken Arrow. I do not know if it was true.

Int. 9. Which of the Indians who were murdered had signed the law of which you speak in your letter? Ans. I do not believe any were murdered.

Int. 10. As Hawkins neither signed the treaty as a witness or chief, ["or accessary" — this written by Mr. Smith,] what law did he break which required his death? Ans. The law of nations.

Int. 11. Do you know any thing about any such law but from the statements of others, and who are they? Ans. I do not; I was told of it by Chilly McIntosh last summer.

Int. 12. Is not your statement of your belief made from what you have heard Colonel Crowell say, and also what you heard the Little Prince and others say, since the murder of McIntosh? Ans. I do not believe he was murdered.

Int. 13. Were you not present at the council when Colonel Henry G. Lamar, aid-de-camp to Governor Troup, gave the Indians a talk? and did not the Little Prince assure him they intended no harm to those who had signed the treaty? and did he not tell him to inform them that they must come home and attend to their business? Ans. I was present, but the interpreter spoke so low I did not hear all he said.

Int. 14. Do you not know or believe that Colonel Crowell was unfriendly to a cession of land, and did what he could to prevent the Indians from making any? And state your reasons for your belief. Ans. I have no reason to believe so.

Int. 15. Have you seen and conversed with Chilly McIntosh since the death of his father? If yea, please state when and where, and what was the subject of your conversation. Ans. I have not. ISAAC SMITH.

The above and foregoing are true copies of the interrogatories propounded to, and the answers given by, the above-named Isaac Smith.

Secretary to the Georgia Commissioners.
