[M234, roll 290, frame 358-361, page 6]

List of Seminole Indians captured at Fort Jupiter E. F. by the Troops, from 22d Feby 1838 to 29th March 1838.

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NoNames AgeSex Remarks
460Sow w-l e pi kit 30f sister 89
461Nee thlee pah ker9f sister 460
462Ho fo ni chee2f daug. 460
463Laht kah63f mother 321
464Lit te no chee30f  
465Robin3m son 464
466Yo po lijh kee20f  
467Powhose tus tenukky33m  
468Hannah30f wife 467
469Hoke tee54f mother 467
470See a pah30f sister 467
471Tee wah luf kah4f daug. 470
473Sin mah he yay32f cousin 472
474Chee lok kee38m  
475Nokose tustenukky36m  
476Molly30f wife 475
477Noke fuk Hajo15m nephew 475
478In mun tah lee12f sister 477
479So mith chee23f neice 475
480Sin yah wil? ho he yay2f daug. 479
481Tim min thlee chah per18f sister 479
482Thlah pee18m nephew 475
483Woxie Hajo28m husband 479
484Ah ha lok Yahola cher34m brother 479
485Liddy33f wife 484
486Cor wah pi ker10m son 485
487Sah thlee chi che-8m son 485
488Sum mi yi yih5m son 485
489To hah pe he yay3f daug. 485
490Sah fots ho ker18f daug. 485
491Istim mah che  mi cher38f sister 484
492Chitte Hajo chee28m  
493Wah nah20f wife 492
494Tony13m brother 493
495Holaht ho lah to30m  
496Ah Soke kay34f sister 495
497Nah hi chee8m son 496
498Tosee6m son 496
500Vicy20f daug. 499?
501Sosy5m daug. 499?
502Sally32f wife 319
503Jonnee5m son 502
504Isaac2m son 502
505Milly32f cousin 502
506Tee nah8f daug. 502
507Lo so che-6f daug. 502
508Sally1f daug. 502
509Hotul kee Emathler30m  
511Ochee Hajo40m  
512Thlathlo Hajo40m  
513Tal huth chee28m  
514Old Squaw50f captured by Lt. Po----
US Navy
 Women & children 361   

Fort Jupiter
March 20 1838

I certify that the above is acorrect list of the Seminole Indians taken at this post.

W. G. Freeman
Lt. on Ind duty

Note. All men from 17 and upwards are reckoned as warriors.