[Senate Doc. 512, No. 247, p. 686+]

Census of Iola or Blunt's town, taken May 1833; with also notes made November 9, 1833, stating what Indians are ready to emigrate, & c.; what have died, & c.; with also a statement of those who died before annuity, and since the treaty of 1832.

No.Indian NamesAgeRankNo. of wivesNo of children living in familyNo. of SlavesTotalQuota of annuityRemarks and notes.
1John Blunt60Head chief of all the towns14814$40.00Ready to go; got a canoe, & c.; his wife is old Vaca's daughter; She says she shan't go, & c.
2Tuskina Haw a40Second chief12 47.00Dead since annuity; wife and child going.
3Hopia Hajo35 11 37.00Ready to go; got a canoe, & c.
4Tuskennehee Hajo a40 12 47.00One child dead; not going; got a canoe, & c.; child died since annuity.
5Lathla Hajo40 14 67.00Going; got canoe, & c.
6Cotcha Holo30 1  27.00Do.
7Hoaspa43 12 27.00Do.
8Echo Hajo30 1  47.00Do.
9Cotcha Tustenuggee a30 12 47.00Paid to Hosper; one child dead; going; got a canoe, & c.
10Conip Hajo30    13.25Do.
11Tommy Ahola35 11 33.25Do.
12Eholahaja25 11 33.25Do.
13Emathlahaja25 11 33.25Do.
14Temothliga a25 22 53.25Both wives have died since annuity; children and self going; got a canoe, & c.
15Eoyothpe20    13.25Going, got a canoe, & c.
16Masecoyee25    13.25Do.
17Pocca Hajo20    13.25Do.,  he is married since annuity to Davy's sister.
18Sitchee16    13.25Paid to his father; going; got a canoe, & c. 
19Poaka15    13.25Paid to Blunt,   Do.
20Tithlaga18    13.25Do.
21Cealata14    13.25Do.
22Paos Hajo25 12  43.25Do.
23Sathabothka25     13.25Do.  This is the carpenter or boat-maker of a town.
24Miccohalye35 12 43.25Do.
25Ahlahaholya or Jno. Mealy30 12 43.25Do.
26Tommy Hajo or Jack Mealy25 24183.25Do.  One wife and two children dead since annuity.
27Ceatto12    13.25Do.
28Teithka b25 1  43.25Runaway to Ofallee or Refarlee towns in the nation since May.  
29Sialithkee18  2 13.25Paid to Chotchka Hajo; going to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.
30Sosa or Capt, Westcott12     13.25Do.
31Waccihajo b30 12 43.25Runaway to Ofallee or Refarlee since May.  
32Nocpostaga b25    13.25Paid to Wacci Hajo;  do.
33Sulletiga12    13.25Going; got a canoe, & c.
34Sockehosa30    13.25Paid to Chefotka;  do.
35Cheewannee12    13.25Do.
36Cotchee12    13.25Paid to Col. Blunt;  do.
37Johnny b 25 12 43.25Paid to Hoaspa; runaway to Ofallee since May; this is a half breed rascal.
38Sammy30 13 53.25Ready to emigrate; go a canoe, & c.
39Chefixico Hajo30 11 33.25Do.
40Socha Toathka b18    13.25Runaway to Afallee since May.  
41Sintithchee b15    13.25Do.
42Coleha Hajo25 11 33.25Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.
43Tewisthka20 11 33.25Do.
44Totehiaka15    13.25Do.
45Emathachee24  2 33.25Do.
46Pallapoosa 23 1  23.25Paid to Hoaspa; do.
47Pairhosamthee b35 12 43.25Runaway to Afarlee since May.  
48Sinichee12    13.25Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.
49Polo12    13.25Paid to Tommy Hajo; do.
50Ocoska or Daniel b30 1  23.25Runaway to Afarlee since May.  
51Ellessa30 11 33.25Living with Vacca, and also his wife; called Asaha; going to Texas.
52Abothka11    13.25Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.
53Smithka11    13.25Paid to Ma Hajo; do.
54Bathhajo13    13.25Do.
55Inloathee, half Negro65    13.25Runaway to Refarlee since May.  
56Cotchaficcico30 13 53.25Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.
57Ceoyanee a15    13.25Paid to Hopsa; sick; dead since May.
58Echeehola25 11 33.25Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.
59Yatta Heyo a25 23 63.25Ready to emigrate; wife and child died since May.
60Ochifee15    13.25Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.
61Mingo25    13.25Do.
62Saffo Buchee12    13.25Do.
63Talmassa50     13.25Do.
64Timalatchee b28  3 43.25Runaway to Ofallee since May 1833, and took his family. 
65Kingithga b13    13.25Do.   being his brother.
66Holochee a12    13.25Dead since May.
67Tommy a12    13.25Do.
Paid to Col. J. Blunt for five orphan boys at $1 each. 5$5.00 


Warriors 67
Wives 34
Children 58
Negro slaves 9
Five orphan boys 5
Total number of souls at payment of annuity in May 1833   172

N. B. Several children born since May; four or five should be added to this.

(B.) Memorandum of deaths in Blunt's town since the treaty and peace to May 1833.

1. Otalke Ahdo 11. Hatchofee
2. Old John Mealy 12. Ehakolo Chopka
3. Cumathlachee 13. Otalkejachee
4. Micco Hajo 14. Ischeeya
5. Alligator 15. Alluta Tustanuckee
6. Locko Emathla 16. Nimihometta Tustanukee
7. Elecologee 17. Eno Mattee
8. Ochofee Eckofee 18. Emafitchee
9. Stonnuggee 19. Mechackee
10. Soffickikee 20. Stalktanofkee

Total number of souls in Jola when Treaty was formed.

Some of these are women, some children, but I cannot distinguish them with certainty.

Memorandum of Blunt's negroes

1. Joe aged 60 years 6. Herson 18 months old
2. Bob aged 45 years 7. Hamiah 12 years
3. Mundy aged 35 years    8. Cuffee 50 years
4. Cudjo aged 30 years Grace has stolen one Negro.
5. Melly ages  20 years Mealy owns one other negro woman.

There are four or five free negroes in Iola, viz.

1. Old Adam aged 120 years.  Blunt don't want to take him away, and is not willing to go.
2. Alumnee aged 60; living, and will go with Blunt.
3. Sampson 30; executed by Indians for rape and murder.
4. And one or two more who will go off with the party.

Deduct death in Iola since May 1833, as above.

Warriors   4
Women 4
Children 5
  13 souls

Total of present population not including four or five small children born since May, 160 souls.

b  Memorandum of runaways to Creek nation, as above.

$37.75 is the amount of annuity due those runaways, as above.

Warriors 11
Wives 5
Children 11
27 souls - deduct 27
Number ready to emigrate 137 souls
Add five young children born this summer 5
Number who will go off certainly 142 souls
$153.75 is due the emigrants according to the above apportionment of the annuity.