[Senate Doc. 512, No. 247, p. 681+]

Census of Totointha, the upper town on the Appalachicola, at payment of annuity in May 1833.

No.Names of male heads of families.AgeRankNo. of wivesNo of children living in familyNo. of SlavesTotalQuota of annuityRemarks
1Conchattimico60Hd. chief2 2427$30.00 
2Coosa Hatchee40Tustanugge12 47.00 
3Hepia Tustenugge40Secd. chief12 47.00 
4Okillas Neha40do   17.00 
5Capixta Tustenugge40do12 47.00 
6Fulma Hajo (Billy)35do12 47.00The head chief's son sick; paid to his father.
7Lathlapixciao or Joe Miller23do11 37.00Joe Miller is also interpretor.
8Tommyahola50Warrior12 43.25 
9Luppe Mico40do   13.25 
10Occoskee35do12 43.25 
11Conippenathla45do13 53.25 
12Noccooselee30do11 33.25 
13Charlee Hajo30do11 33.25 
14Tustenukyjule40do   13.25 
15Wacceholata30do   13.25Paid to Joe Miller; reported sick.
16Eficnathla50do 3 43.25 
17Tallaficcico40do13 53.25 
18Emithlichee30do12 43.25Paid to head chief; reported sick.
19Opithleyola30do12 43.25 
20Coosa20do11 33.25Do.
21Chemastee25do11 33.25 
22Nealoccochee30do12 43.25 
23Shogan30do1  23.25Paid to Joe Miller; reported sick.
24Talmasee25do   13.25 
25Oakmulgee30do1  23.25Do.
26Oakmulgee 240do11 33.25Said to be in Afaller or Refarter town in the Creek nation, November 9, 1833. [Eufaula]
27Neaficcico25do   13.25 
28George30do1  23.25 
29Tommy Tustenuggo40do12 43.25 
30Ohowa25do   13.25 
31Melowee30do1  23.25 
32Huckelusty 35do1  23.25Paid to Compmathla; reported sick.
33Micco Poilga30do   13.25Paid to Joe  Miller; reported sick.
34Ohoyathla25do12 43.25Do.
35Cotcheficcico35do1  23.25Do.
36Ochusee Hajo35do   13.25Do.
37Emathla35do12 43.25 
38Allatichee30do   13.25 
39Ficcico35do 1 23.25Do.
40Chonchattee40do   13.25Do.
41Metahakee18do   13.25 
42Nomithliga23do   13.25 
43Foos Hajo25do11 33.25 
44Possac Hajo50do   13.25 
45Succaluthchee25do   13.25 
46Sopinee25do1  23.25 
47Sampea20do   13.25Paid to head chief; reported sick.
48Jno. Blue, or Gen. Jno. Silly15Y'ng Warrior   13.25 
49Johnny13do   13.25 
50Samhootchee14do 1 23.25 
51Pimpooitchee35Warrior 1 23.25 
52Tomochee24do 1 23.25 
53Maichee14Y,ng warrior   13.25 
54Chalkoo13do   13.25 
55Laboola15Warrior 1 23.25 
56Holomagachee20do   13.25 
57Scarholochee12Boys   1 These five are boys, and were absent at the payment of the annuity, and I refused to pay them, not being satisfied they should draw if they really existed.  The head chief promised to produce them, but did not. 
58Harry13do   1 
59Sanmy?10do   1 
60Chattochee11do   1 
61Senatchee12do   1 

Head chief, second chief, warriors, and young warriors, and boys.   61
Wives 30
Children, (not including young warriors or boys) 46
Negroes, (slaves) 24
Total 161
Total brought forward 161
Add also five old women not included in list 5
Add also six free negroes not included and not allowed annuity 6
Total population of Totointha 172 souls
Amount of quota of annuity to this town $231.25