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Compiled by Edward E. Hill, 1965


The National Archives in Washington, D. C., holds much of the original Bureau of Indian Affairs records for Indians. These original records must be viewed in person at the National Archives.

Introduction ... Table of Contents ... Appendix I-III ... Index: A-Em ... Em-Mo ... Mo-Z

Entries: 1-74 ... 75-120 ... 121-197 ... 198-284 ... 285-355 ... 356-443 ... 444-521 ... 522-576 ... 577-643 ... 644-711 ... 712-784 ... 785-860 ... 861-940 ... 941-998 ... 999-1040 ... 1041-1112 ... 1113-1182 ... 1183-1243 ... 1244-1362 ... 1363-1401

In this index to names, places, and subjects, information in the entries of the inventory is indexed by entry number only. Information in introductory statements is indexed by page number. Page number references are preceded by "p."


  • Moqui Pueblo Indians, 347, p.296, p.312
  • Moqui Reservation, 3..7, p.332
    See also Hopi Reservation.
  • Morals, 1387, 1395, p.195, p.205, p.206
  • Morrison, John G., 1062
  • Moshulatubbee District Court of Claims (Choctaw), 531, 532
  • Muck, Lee, 414
  • Muckleshoot Indians, p.354
  • Mueller, Louis C., 771
  • Mullay Roll of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 219

  • Munsee Indians, 612, 902, p.298, p.323, p.371, p.372;
    claims, 902, 903;
    land, 444, 1.76, 1.89

  • Murphy, Daniel E., p.287
  • Murphy, Matthew M., 347
  • Murray, James, p.85
  • Museum of Modern Art (New York City), 1401, p.391
  • Muskogee, 509, p.352

    - N -

  • Names of Indians, revisions of, 617 - Sioux
  • Natchitoches factory, 12, 61-68, p.29
  • National banks, 625, 626
  • National Industrial Recovery Act, p.286 
  • National Resources Board, 792, 793 
  • The Native American, 998
  • Natives of Alaska, 804, 807, 811, 812, 823, p.229-230
  • Navajo Agency, 1159, 1166, p.297, p.332, p.334
  • Navajo Indians, 178, 996, p.334;
    Special Commissioner to, 1379
  • Navajo Reservation, 153, 318
  • Naval Agents, 74
  • Nazi activities, 178
  • Neah Bay Agency, p.355

  • Nebraska, 160, 748, p.298, p.300, p.312, p.338;
    Indians and lands in, 371, 382, 410, 458, 464, 470, 471, 476, p.298, p.338

  • Negroes, 578, 583;
    children in Indian schools, 736, 737.
    See also Freedmen and Slaves.
  • Nemaha Half-Breed Reserve, 399-403
  • Neosho Agency, p.299, p.300, p.348
  • Neosho Subagency, p.347, p.348
  • Net Proceed Commission (Choctaw), 538-542, p.151
  • Net proceeds (Choctaw), p.150
  • Nett Lake Agency, 1148, 1149, p.332
  • Nett Lake Reservation, p.310

  • Nevada, 832, p.334, p.353;
    Indians and lands in, 325, 616, 643, p.333;
    Territory, p.353

  • Nevada Agency, p.333
  • Nevada Superintendency, 1150-1153, p.333, p.354

  • New Mexico, 869, 1213, 1214, p.334, p.349;
    Indians and lands in, 784, 796, 1380, 1394, p.334, p.351;
    Territorial Legislature and Governor, 678;
    Territory, 1155, p.296, p.334

  • New Mexico Superintendency, 832, 1154-1166, p.296, p.297, p.334, p.351
  • New Orleans, 20, p.16
  • New York, 513, 996, p.337
  • New York Agency, 869, 1167, p.255, p.295, p.337
  • New York City, p.16, p.391
  • New York Indians, 301, 348, 901-905, p.255-256, p.337
  • New York Subagency, p.324
  • New York warehouse, 881
  • Newspapers, 1011, 1201, 1214, 1385
  • Nez Percé Agency, 571, 572, 1236, p.314, p.355
  • Nez Percé Indians, p.314, p.342, p.351.
  • Nez Percé Reservation, p.355
  • Nichols-Chisholm Lumber Company, 1262, 1263 
  • 9th Kansas Cavalry, 552
  • Nisqualli Indians, p.354
  • Nonremoval Mille Lac Chippewa Indians, p.359
  • Nonreservation schools.
    See Schools, nonreservation.
  • North Carolina, 616;
    Cherokee Indians of, 510, 567, 595,

  • North Carolina (cont.) 631; 781, p.168
  • North Dakota, 508, 616, 617, 782, p.312, p.30.
    See also Dakota.
  • North Fork of the Canadian River, 323
  • Northeastern Oregon Agency, p.342
  • Northern Indian department, p.6

  • Northern Superintendency, 704, 707, 1168-1182, p.337-338;
    transfers of agencies, p.298, p.299, p.300, p.325, p.330

  • Northwest Territory, Governor of, p.6
  • Northwestern Federation of American Indians, 613
  • Norton [A. Baldwin], 1159 "
  • Notes Made in Chowchu-Land [Siberia]," 801
  • Noxious weeds, 794, 795
  • Nurses, 159, 779, p.222
  • Nutrition, p.226

    - O -

  • Oaths of employees, p.277
  • Ocmulgee Old Fields, p.26
  • Office administration, 128, 131, 181, 695, 717, 831, 939, 1006, p.64, p.265
  • Oglala Sioux Indians, p.312
  • Ohio, 201, p.30, p.323, p.324
  • Ohio Agency, p.323, p.32J4
  • Ohio River, p.6
  • Oil: companies, 521;
    land, 341, 484;
    leases, 624, p.92, p.94
  • Oil and Gas Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Ojo Caliente, N. Max., p.351

  • Oklahoma, 647, 759, 924, 954, 996, p.298;
    Indians and lands in, 328, 465, 505, 833, 834, 894, 1391, p.184.
    See also Indian Territory.

  • Old Settler Cherokee Indians, 631, 895, 912, 913
  • Old Settler Roll (Cherokee Indians), 589
  • Olympia, Wash., p.355
  • Omaha, Nebr., 144, 1168, p.338
  • Omaha Agency, 572, p.299, p.338
  • Omaha Indians, p.298;
    lands, 371, 399-403, 458, 476;
    trust funds, 933

  • Omaha Reservation, 410
  • Oneida Indians, p.313, p.323, p.337, p.338, p.371, p.372
  • Oningum, Minn., 1094, p.315
  • Onondago Indians, 903, p.337
  • Oohenonpa Sioux Indians, p.312
  • Open market purchases, 881, 890, p.237 
  • "Ordinance for the Regulation of Indian Affairs," p.6

  • Oregon, 724, 863, 869, p.7, p.341-342, p.354;
    Indians and lands in, 325, 410, 507, 635, p.322, p.342, p.355;
    Territory, p.314, p.341, p.342, p.354

  • Oregon and Washington Superintendency, p.342-343, p.354, p.355
  • Oregon City, Oreg., p.342
  • Oregon Statesman, 1201
  • Oregon Superintendency, 1183-1203, 1377, p.341-343, p.354, p.355

  • Organization: Bureau, 127, 128, 165, 181, 957, p.3-9; relief and rehabilitation work, 1006;
    tribal, 960, 1011-1014, p.5, p.292.
    See also history and duties of divisions.

  • Organization Division, p.292
  • Organizations, 1387
  • Orphans, 257, 265, 915
  • Osage Agency, p.299, p.300
  • Osage Allotting Commission, 610
  • Osage factory, 69, p.17, p.30

  • Osage Indians, 610, 632, 633, 996, p.30;
    agencies and superintendencies, p.298, p.299, p.300, p.347, p.348;
    land and related subjects, 418, 459, 486, 610 

  • Osage Nation, 610
  • Osage Reservation, 328
  • Osage River Agency, p.298, p.299, p.300

  • Osage Subagency, p.347, p.348
  • Osage Trust Lands, 418
  • Oto Indians, 399-403, 933, p.298, p.299, p.338
  • Otoe Agency, p.299, p.338
  • Ottawa Agency, p.299, p.300
  • Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, 389, 393-395, p.115

  • Ottawa Indians:
    agencies and superintendencies, p.298, p.323, p.324, p.337, p.372;
    enrollment, 611;
    lands, 389, 393-395, 460-463, 477, 497, 611, p.115;
    removal, 201, 301;
    traders' claims against, 893

  • Ottawa Indians of Blanchard's Fork and Roche de Boeuf, 463, 497
  • OrLtawa Reservation, 611
  • Ottawa Trust Lands, 460-463, 477
  • Otter Tail Pillager Chippewa Indians, p.359
  • "Outing" system (Carlisle School), 1327, 1329, 1330, 1334, 1335, p.373-374
  • Oven, Robert L., 541

    - P -

  • Pabaska Sioux Indians, p.312
  • Pacific coast, 862, 863
  • Painter, C. C., 612
  • Paiute Indians, 489, p.322, p.333, p.342, p.353, p.354
  • Paloos Indians, p.354
  • Papago Agency, p.296
  • Papago Indians, 570, p.296, p.334

  • Parents: 
    correspondence, 1254, 1323;
    questionnaires, 1282

  • Parker, Ely S., 681
  • Parsons, Benjamin S., 285
  • Passports, 2
  • Pastures, 328 

  • Patents for land, 113, 126, 310, 330, 337, 340, 343, 350, 351, 477, 489, 490, 523, p.92, p.94., p.95;
    Cherokee, 435-438, 441, p.124;
    Cheyenne and Arapaho, 485;
    Choctaw and Chickasaw, 492;
    Creek, 491, 509, 566;
    Delaware, 409;
    Kansa, 452-454;
  • Patents for land (cont.)
    Kickapoo, 456;
    Mech Lake Agency, 1078, 1079;
    Michigan, 395, 397, 398, p.115;
    Omaha Indians, 458;
    Ottawa Indians, 462, 463, 497;
    Potawatomi, 467;
    Puyallup, 478-480;
    Sauk and Fox of the Mississippi, 469;
    Sauk and Fox of the Missouri, 471;
    White Earth Agency, 1247, 1251, 1252;
    Winnebago, 474, 475. See also Deeds.

  • Patients, 774-776, 778
  • Patterson, Edgar, 26
  • Pawnee Agency, p.299, p.300, p.338

  • Pawnee Indians, p.298, p.299, p.338;
    land, 372, 464

  • Pawnee Reservation, 464
  • Pawnee Trust Lands, 464 

  • Pay: 
    Indian claims for, 548, 551, 553;
    of employees, 877. See also Salaries.

  • Payne, James F., 507
  • Peairs, Hervey B., 722
  • Pease, Henry R., 554, 555, p.157
  • Peltry. See Furs.
  • Pembina Chippewa Indians, p.359
    See also Red Lake and Pembina Chippewa land.
  • Pend d'Oreille Indians, p.174, p.314, p.331, p.354, p.355
  • Pendleton, Oreg., 410
  • Pennsylvania, Historical Society of, p.17
  • Pension Office, 545
  • Pensions, claims for, 548-550, 553
  • Pensions, Commissioner of, 553
  • People's Abstract and Trust co., 405
  • Peoria Indians, 455, p.298

  • Per capita payments, 650, 847, 965, p.93, p.94;
    Cherokee, 602, 630, 895;
    Potawatomi, 919

  • Permits, 622, 922, 923
  • Pernot, Peter H., 411
  • Personal records, 1216
  • Personality study, 178

  • Personnel, 126, 128, 165, 181, 182, 184, 195, 717, 720, 951, 967-992;
    administrative responsibility, p.64, p.195, p.205-206, p,237, p.265, p.277;
    Alaska, 800, 816;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1387, 1400;
    Five Civilized Tribes, 632;
        Law and Order Section, 767, 771, 772;
        relief and rehabilitation work, 1006, 1007
    Field offices:
        Carlisle School, 1323, 1344;
        Mech Lake Agency, 1080;
        Malheur, 1113, 1119;
        Michigan Sup. and Mackinac Agency, 1131, 1134;
        Maqui Pueblo Agency, 1144;
        White Earth Agency, 1273
        See also Appointments and Employees.

  • Personnel Division, p.5, p.277
  • Personnel Office, p.277
  • Pest control, p.287
  • Peyote, 178, 764, 1395

  • Philadelphia:
    Centennial Exhibition, 78, 79, 86, 934;
    Office of Indian Trade, 20, p.15, p.16, p.17

  • Phillips, William A., p.125
  • Phoenix school, 998
  • Photographers, 823
  • Physical advancement, p.205

  • Physicians, 159, 773, 775-777, 949, 953, p.222, p.269, p.270;
    Fort Shaw School, 1360;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1080, 1092;
    White Earth Agency, 1270

  • Piankeshaw Indians, 455, 496, p.298
  • Piegan Indians, p.331
  • Pillager Chippewa Indians, p.359
  • Pima, Papago., and Maricapa Agency, p.296
  • Pima Agency, 148
  • Pima Indians, 996, p.296, p.334
  • Pima Special Agency, 120
  • Pine Point School, 1285
  • Pine Ridge Agency, 490, 561, 617, 832
  • Piqua Agency, p.323, p.324
  • Pi-Ute Agency, p.333
  • Place names, spelling of, 963
  • Plant industry, p.64,
  • Plants, contracts for, 889
  • Platte River, p.298
  • Plover Bay, Siberia, 157 
  • Point Barrow, Alaska, 157
  • Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, 568

  • Police: 
    Indian, 91, 982, 985;
    White Earth Agency, 1272, 1273

  • Policy, 132, 192, 800, 831, 1385, p.1-3.
    See also Land, policy.
  • Pollock, W. C., 607
  • Ponca Agency, 1068, p.299., p.312
  • Ponca Indians, 489, p.312
  • Pony claims, 559, 560, 564, 565, p.158

  • Population, 79, 91, 113, 327, 675, 728, 792, 793, 960, 961, 963, 966, 1395, p.195;
    Nevada, 1152. See also Censuses.

  • Population Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Port Orford, Oreg., p.342
  • Porter, Samuel Humes, 827
  • Porter, William A., 1215
  • Portland, Oreg., p.342, p.355
  • Post Office and Postmaster, Fort Smith, Ark., 1214, p.349
  • Poston, Charles D., 1017
  • Potawatomi Agency, 160, p.298, p.299, p.300
  • Potawatomi Diminished Reserve, 467

  • Potawatomi Indians, 106;
    agencies and superintendencies, p.298, p.323, p.324, p.337, p.372;
    claims, 568, 631, 893;
    health survey, 783;
    land, 373-376, 465-467, 489, 568;
    payments to, 917-919;
    removal, 201, 301

  • Powell Roll of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 219

  • Power, 657;
    development projects, 163;
    lines, 674;
    plants, 999, p.285;
    sites, 354, 636

  • Prairie du Chien, Treaty of, 378, 379, 381, 399, 401
  • Prairie du Chien Agency, 1319, p.324, p.371
  • Prairie du Chien factory, 70, 71, p.16, p.28, p.30
  • Prairie du Chien Subagency, p.371, p.372
  • Prairie land, 672
  • Pratt, John G., 409
  • Pray, Gen. Pablius R., p.85

  • Preemption claims:
    Cherokee lands in the East, 241, 242, p.80;
    Cherokee Neutral Lands, 423-441, p.124-125

  • Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, p.229
  • Presents, 866, p.15, p.17

  • President Allotment of funds, p.289
    Appointments, 505, 681, 684, 685, 970, p.6-7, p.14, p.76, p.85, p,86, p,89, p.,203, p.277, p.368
    Correspondence, 2, 4, 79, 85, 91, 223, 239, 1386
    Direction of trade, p.14
    Executive agreements, 105
    Executive orders, 107, 128, 354, 355, 639, 1382, p.157, p.385
    Enquiry regarding economy and efficiency, 175
    Land, 254, 281, 290, 294, 295

  • Proclamations, 118, 354, 508
  • Prices, 883
  • Principal Agent for Indian Factories, p.15
  • Principal Agent for liquidation of the factories, 3, 4, p.16
  • Principal Disbursing Agent at Detroit, 1137
  • Principals of schools, 1254, 1285, 1392
  • Prisoners, 897
  • Private companies, 878, 999, 1000, p.70
  • Private correspondence, 1216, p.349
  • Private persons, 79, 91, 98, 878, p.32
  • Private secretary to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, p.269
  • Pro rata shares, 847
  • Probate Division, p.4, p.5, p.95, p.159, p.184, p.270
  • Probate work, p.184. See also Heirship.
  • Proclamations. See President, proclamations.
  • Production of reservations, 793
  • Products of Carlisle sewing room, 1342
  • Program planning, 723
  • Project engineers (irrigation), 655-659, p.187
  • Property, 186, 728, 961.
    See also Accounts, Depredation claims, and Removal.
  • Property, Assistant to the Commissioner for, p.5, p.68
  • Property and Supply, Branch of, p.238
  • Provinse, John H., 192, 193
  • Provisions, 866, 1023. See also Goods.
  • Provo, Utah., p.354
  • Public domain., 79, 107, 281, 282, 333, 639, 822, p.95
  • Public Health Service, 781, p.3, p.222, p.229
  • Public notices, 113
  • Public schools. See Schools, public.
  • Public Supplies, Purveyor of, p.15, p.17, p.31
  • Public Works Administration, 659, 999, p.2, p.5, p.286, p.290
  • Publications, procurement and distribution, p.265
  • Publicity, 1401
  • Publishers, 721
  • Pueblo Agency, 1213, 1214, p.334, p.349
  • Pueblo Indians, 178, 996, 1159, 1160, 1394, p.334
  • Pueblo Lands Board, 1394
  • Puget Sound, p.355
  • Puget Sound Agency, p.342, p.355

  • Pumping stations, 666
  • Pupils. See Schools.
  • Purchase Division, 123, p.4, p.5, p.206, p.237, p.238;
    Chief of, 825
  • Purchase Section of Education Division, p.206, p.237-238

  • Purchases, 96, 939, 949;
    accounts, 845, 851, 884, 890, 896;
    administrative responsibility, p.5, p.205, p.206, p.208, p.237, p.238;
    authorities, 110;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384, 1398, p.385;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 202, p.71;
    field offices, 1055, 1072, 1159, 1190, 1241, 1323, 1350;
    Office of Indian Trade, 4, p.14, p.15;
    open market, 881, 890, p.237;
    Revenue Office, 74, p.31

  • Purchasing agents, 3, p.7, p.16
  • Purchasing Committee of Board of Indian Commissioners, 1398
  • Purchasing Division, p.237
  • Purchasing Office of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, p.238
  • Purveyor of Public Supplies, p.15, p.17, p.31
  • Pushmataha District Court of Claims (Choctaw), 534
  • Puyallup Agency, 744, p.355
  • Puyallup Indians, 615, p.176, p.354
  • Puyallup Reservation, 478-481

    - Q -

  • Quaitso Indians, p.354
  • Quakers, 1395
  • Quapaw Agency, p.300
  • Quapaw Indians, 201, 301, 689, p.299, p.347, p.348
  • Quartermaster General, p.17, p.31
  • Quartermaster of the Arkansas Militia, 1216
  • Quartermaster Officers, p.15, p.17
  • Quarters for employees, 989
  • Queet Indians, p.354
  • Quileute Indians, p.354
  • Quinaielt Agency, p.355
  • Quinaielt Indians, 613, 614, p.354
  • Quinaielt Reservation, p.175

    - R -

  • Radio stations, 159
  • Railroads and Indian lands, 161, 163, 413, 456-458, 465-467, 567, 674, p.92;
    rights-of-way, 102, 163, 310, 413
  • Ranger stations, 674
  • Rations, 206, 207, 1061, 1062, l064
  • Real estate, 963
  • Realty, Branch of, p.94, p.183
  • Receipts in Chief Clerk's safe, 186
  • Reclamation, 163, 643. See also Irrigation.
  • Reclamation, Bureau of, 657, 663, p.188
  • Reclamation Service, 663

  • Records:
    copies, 628;
    inspection by Board of Indian Commissioners, p.385;
    record keeping, 169

  • Records Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Recreation, 819, 1001
  • Red Cloud Agency, 832, p.312

  • Red Lake Agency, p.310, p.315, p.359
    Red Lake and Pembina Chippewa land, 359, 360;
    Half-Breed Scrip, 362-369, p.109

  • Red Lake Chippewa Indians, 933, p.310, p.315, p.359
  • Red Lake Reservation, 669, p.368
  • Red River, p.29
  • Redding, Calif., Land District, 344
  • Reel, Estelle, 173
  • Reforestation, 122, p.193
  • Register of the Treasury, 855, 856
  • Registers of land offices, 1079

  • Regulations, 113, 116, 165, 182;
    Alaska, 797, 820;
    relief and rehabilitation, 1006

  • Rehabilitation, 195, 1006-1010, p.68, p.290

  • Rehabilitation Division, 1006-1010, p.5, p.226, p.286, p.290;
    Director of, p.290

  • Reindeer, 797, 798, 801, 811, 812, 812, 820, 821, 823, p.229;
    stations, 159, 804

  • Relief, 195, 792, 1006, 1007, p.2-3, p.68, p.290;
    White Earth Reservation, 1062, 1063

  • Religion, 1387
  • Religious groups, 165, 191, 728, 1383, 1385;
    nomination of agents, 976, p.8

  • Relocation camps for Japanese, p.3
  • Remittances, 96, p.237

  • Removal, 79, 198-216, 301, 1140, p.1, p.69-71, p.91-92, p.195-196, p.296;
    Cherokee, 201, 208, 217-251, 1043, 1050, 1056, p.70, p.76, p.79-80, p.82, p.304;
    Chickasaw, 252-257;
    Chippewa, 1297, 1305, p.368;
    Choctaw, 201, 258-284, p.70, p.85, p.86, p.150;
    Creek, 201, 285-300, p.70, p.88, p.89;
    Ute, 684

  • Removal, superintendents of, 202, 220, 223, 289, lo43, 1052, p.304
  • Removal Chippewa Indians, p.359
  • Repairs, 877, 999, p.237, p.285, p.290
  • Reports, submission and correction of, 181, 949, 958, 959, 962, 963
  • Requisitions, 848, 849

  • Reservations, 185, 325, 407, 636, 723, 793, p.1, p.6, p.69-70, p.91-92
    Allotments, 337-341, 343, 351, 352, 354
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1387, 1388, 1393
    Civilian Conservation Corps work, p.287
    Establishment and changes, 102, 107, 163, 639, 678
    Indians without, 333, 334, 344, 350, p.94
    Maps and plats, 158, 161, 163, 324, 325, 326, 341, 642, 666, 673, 674
  • Reservations (cont.)
    Photographs, 151
    Rehabilitation needs, 1008
    Surveys, 311-314, 351, 352
    Weeds, 794, 795
    See also Land, Reserves, and names of specific reservations and tribes.

  • Reservoirs, 319, 636 666, 674, 1380;
    sites, 163
  • Resettlement Administration, p.290
  • Resources, Division of, 189, p.5-6, p.65, p.94, p.187
  • Resources Branch, p.5, p.94
  • Revenue, Collector of the, 1215
  • Revenue, Commissioner of the, 74 p.31
  • Revenue, Supervisors of the, 74
  • Revenue Office, 74, p.31
  • Revere, Paul, 74
  • Reynolds, E. B., 559, 560, p.158
  • Rice, Elliott W., 685
  • Rights-of-way, 91, 102, 163, 310, 413, 878, p.94
  • Rio Verde Agency, p.297
  • River basins, 193
  • Riverside, Calif., 405
  • Riverside County, Calif., 405
  • Riverton Project of the Bureau of Reclamation, 663

  • Roads, 161, 163, 674, 1380, 1387, p.206;
    construction, 152, 999, p.3, p.5, p.285-286, p.287

  • Roads Division, p.5, p.286, p.290
  • Roblin, Charles E., 414, 613, 614, p.175-176
  • Rock Island, p.28
  • Rock River Subagency, p.323-324
  • Rocky Mountains, p.341, p.347, p.348, p.353
  • Rogers, Clem V., 411
  • Rogue River, p.342
  • Rogue River Agency, p.342
  • Rogue River Commission, 1189
  • Rogue River Indians, p.342
  • Rogue River Valley, p.342
  • Rogue River War, 1189
  • Rollins, A. F., 565, p.159

  • Roosevelt [Franklin D.], p.289
  • Rosebud Agency, 561, 617
  • Rosebud Reservation, 324
  • Rosebud Sioux Indians, 489, 933
  • Round Valley Reservation, 339
  • Rowland, Richard D., 566
  • Royalties, 922
  • Royce, Charles C., 641
  • Rush, Samuel, p.86
  • Ryan, W. Carson, 723

    - S -

  • Sac and Fox Agency, p.298, p.299, p.300, p.371, p.372
  • Sac and Fox Indians. See Sauk and Fox Indians.
  • Sacaton Agency, 148
  • Safety Division of Civilian Conservation Corps -- Indian Division, 1005
  • Safety Engineer (Emergency Conservation Work), 1002
  • Saginaw Subagency, p.324-325
  • St. Joseph, Mo., p.298
  • St. Louis, 1037, 1040, p.16, p.17, p.24, p.28, p.298

  • St. Louis Superintendency, 201, 1040;
    relations with other superintendencies, p.323, p.324, p.330, p.347, p.348, p.371-372;
    replacement by Central Superintendency, p.298

  • St. Mary's River, Ga,, p,26
  • St. Mary's River, Mich., p.323
  • St. Paul, Minn., 1249, p.330, p.338
  • St. Peters Agency, p.312, p.324, p.330, p.338., p.371, p.372
  • St. Regis Indians, 903, p.337
  • Salamanca, N.Y., p. 337

  • Salaries, 112, 720, 730, 845, 850, 866, 875, 892, 985, 986;
    Alaska, 816;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 215, 216;
    New Mexico Superintendency, 1160

  • Salem, Oreg., p.342, p.355
  • Salem School, 724, 757
  • Sales, Five Tribes, 922
  • Sales of land. See Land, sales.
  • Sales Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Salmon cannery, 807
  • Salt Lake Agency, p.353
  • Salt Lake City, 786, p.208, p.353, p.354
  • Salt River Reservation, 354
  • Salzman, F. X., 408
  • San Bernadino County, Calif., 405
  • San Carlos Agency, p.297
  • San Carlos Reservation, p.351
  • San Francisco warehouse, 881
  • San Juan River, 318
  • Sanatoriums, p.221
  • Sanborn, John B., 681
  • Sandusky factory, 72, p.30
  • Sandy Lake Subagency, p.330
  • Sanford, James B., 288
  • Sanitation, 782, 783, p.205, p.226;

  • sanitary reports:
    Central Superintendency, 1023;
    Fort Shaw School, 1360;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1092;
    Malheur Agency, 1113;
    Washington Superintendency, 1232, 1234;
    White Earth Agency, 1270. See also Health

  • Sans Arcs Sioux Indians, p.312
  • Santa Fe, p.334
  • Santa Fe Agency, p. 334
  • Santa Rosa, Pueblo of (Papago), 570
  • Santee (Sioux) Agency, p.312, p.338, p.381

  • Santee Sioux Indians, p.312;
    claims, 562;
    land allotments, 382, 383, 399-403;
    trust funds, 933

  • Sauk and Fox Indians, 893, p.371
    Of the Mississippi, p.298;
        certificates of indebtedness, 417, 419;
        land allotments, 377;
        Trust Lands, 468, 469, 477
    Of the Missouri, 676, p.298, p.338;
        trust funds, 933;
        Trust Lands, 453, 470, 471, 477

  • Sault Ste. Marie Agency, 1125-1127, p.323, p.324, p.325, p.371
  • Sault Ste. Marie Subagency, 1138, 1139, p.324, p.325, 337, p.338
  • Savannah, 20, p.16
  • Savings accounts of Carlisle pupils, 1336
  • Sawall, 807
  • Scalers, 1079
  • School superintendents. See Superintendents, school.
  • School supervisors, 949, 953, p.269

  • Schoolcraft, Henry R.:
    agent and superintendent, 1125-1127, 1129, p.323, p.325;
    history of Indians, 117

  • Schools, 113, 116, 126, 195, 327, 632, 713, 715-718, 723-725, 728-752, 754-761, 960, 961, 965, p.2, p.295
    Accounts, 837, 840, 847, 875, 877, 890, 914
    Administrative responsibility, p.8, p.195, p.205-207
    Alaska, 800, 803, 804, 807, 813, 815-820, 823, 824, p.229, p.230
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1387, 1392, 1395
    Construction and repair, 800, 999, p.285
    Contracts, 717, 729, 740, 741, 813,
    Extension workers at, 791
    Field offices:
        Central Superintendency, 1023;
        Consolidated Chippewa Agency, 1060;
        Leech Lake Agency, 1075, 1080, 1100-1112, p.315;
        Malheur Agency, 1113;
        Michigan Sup. and Mackinac Agency, 1131, 1135;
        Minnesota Superintendency, 1140;
        Northern Superintendency, 1168;
        Oregon Superintendency, 1203;
        Washington Superintendency, 1234;
        White Earth Agency, 1254, 1255, 1277-1292, p.359
    General correspondence, 79, 82, 87, 2, 93, 96, 108, 111, p.50
    Inspections of, 953
    Lands, 343, 404-406, 508, 611
    Maps, 158, 161, 163, 662
  • Schools (cont.)
    Mission, 1, 716, 717, 723, 751, p.2;
        Hope, p.381;
        Wittenberg, p.383
    Nonreservation, 142-144, 1101, 1106, 1278, 1283, 1322-1376, 1395, p.8, p.295, p.373-374, p.379, p.380, p.381-382, p.383
    Personnel, 972-974, 978-981, 986, 990-992
    Photographs, 139, 144,
    Public 740-742, 745, 746, 748, 749, 751, 757, 1104, 1280, p.2, p.374
    Relief and rehabilitation work at, 1007
    Yearbooks, 989
    See also Education and specific schools.

  • Schools Section, p.4, p.206 
  • Scott, W. W., 485
  • Scouts, 920
  • Seal herds, p.229
  • Seattle, 808, p.229, p.230

  • Sebastian County, Ark.:
    Common School Commissioner, 1213, p.349;
    sheriff, 1215, p.349

  • Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 184, p.3, p.64, p.206, p.273

  • Second Auditor:
    accounts, 216, 865, 868, 873;
    claims, 551, 899;
    correspondence, 75, 79, 88, 91, 202, 849, 1027

  • Second Comptroller, 79
  • Secretary to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, p.265
  • Sections, established in divisions, p.4.
    See also specific divisions and sections.
  • Securities, 79, 851, 929-932, p.237
  • Seger Colony, 145
  • Selective Service, 1090
  • "Self help projects," p.290
  • Sells, Cato, 995

  • Seltzer, Carl C., 616
  • Seminole Agency, p.299, p.348, p.349, p.352

  • Seminole Indians, 146, p.347, p.348, p.352;
    homestead deeds, 493;
    Industrial Teacher, 1378;
    removal, 126, 201, 299, 301

  • Seminole Subagency, p.347, p.348

  • Senate:
    approval of appointments, p.7, p.76;
    arbitration of Choctaw Net Proceeds Case, p.151;
    ratification of treaties, 103, 104

  • Seneca Indians:
    Central Superintendency, p.299;
    Civil War claims, 689;
    Michigan Superintendency, p.323;
    New York, 1, 903, p.337;
    Western and Southern Superintendencies, p.347, p.348@

  • Seneca Nation, 513

  • Services:
    claims for, 892, 895;
    contracts for, 885-889, 1221

  • Settlement, opening of lands for, 507, 508
  • Settlers evicted from Crow Creek and Winnebago Reservations, 554-558, p.157
  • Sewerage 738, 739, 999, p.285
  • Sewing, p.290;
  • Sewing room, 1342
  • Sharp, Joseph L., 399
  • Shasta Indians, p.342
  • Shawnee Agency, p.298, p.299, p.300

  • Shawnee Indians:
    agencies and superintendencies, p.298., p.299, p.323, p.347, p.348;
    Cherokee citizenship, 578, 580, 583, 586, 587, p.165;
    Civil War claims, 689-691;
    deeds, 494, 495, 489-500

  • Sheboygan, Wis., p.338
  • Shee, John, p.15
  • Shelby, Marcus D., 581, p.165
  • Sheriff of Sebastian County, Ark., 1215, p.349
  • Sherman, Daniel, 513
  • Sherman Institute, 405
  • Shields, James, 380
  • Shippers, 1080
  • Shoshone and Bannock Agency, p.373
  • Shoshone Reservation, 339, 354

  • Shoshoni Indians, 319;
    agencies and superintendencies, p.314, p.322, p.333, p.342, p.353, p.354, p.373

  • Siberia, 157, 801, p.229
  • Sibley George, p.17, p.30
  • Siem, Conrad., 801
  • Sierra Nevada Mountains, p.353
  • Sihasapa Sioux Indians. See Blackfeet Indians.
  • Siler Roll of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 219
  • Siletz Agency, 1203, p.342, p.343
  • Silt accumulation, 657
  • Sinclair William T., 404

  • Sioux Indians, 679, 920, 937, p.157;
    agencies and superintendencies., p.298, p.312, p.324, p.330, p.331, p.338, p.371, p.373;
    depredation claims against, 702-704, 707, 898, 899, p.203;
    property and allotment claims, 559-565, p.158-159;
    trust funds, 933. See also individual bands.

  • Sioux Indians of the Mississippi, 707, p.338, p.371
  • Sioux Subagency, p.371, p.372
  • Sisseton Agency, 160, 617, p.312
  • Sisseton Sioux Indians, 384, 385, 508, 920, 933, p.312
  • Six Nations Agency, p.337
  • Sixes Indians, p.342
  • Skins. See Furs.
  • Sklallam Agency, p.355
  • Sklallam Indians, p.354
  • Skokomish Agency, p.355
  • Skokomish Indians, 387, p.354
  • Skookumchuck River, p.355
  • Slater, Samuel E., 825
  • Slaves, 1, 285, 604, p.165
  • Smallpox, 564
  • Smith, Col. Henry, 1137
  • Smiths, 974
  • Snake Indians. See Shoshoni Indians.

  • Social conditions, 960;
    assistance, p.230;
    improvement, p.195, p.205;
    service, 759, 819;
    social workers, 758, 759;
    survey, 792

  • Societies, 1384, 1386
  • Soil Conservation Service, 153, 963
  • Soil improvements, p.226
  • Soldiers, 36, 682, 920; 1395.
    See also Troops.
  • Solicitor of the Department of the Interior, 197, 650
  • South Dakota, 160, 508, 617, 748, p.157, p.312, p.330.
    See also Dakota.
  • South East Nevada Agency, p.333
  • South West Point, p.304
  • Southeastern District Agency (Oregon), p.342
  • Southern Agency of the Western Territory, p.347
  • Southern Apache Agency, 1164, 1217-1222, p.334, p.351-352
  • Southern District Agency (Washington), p.355
  • Southern Indian department, p.6
  • Southern part of United States, Indians of, 1
  • Southern Superintendency, 852, 1204-1216, p.298, p.299, p.347-349
  • Southwestern Nevada, Special Agent in, 832
  • Spadre Bluffs factory, 73, p.25, p.30-31
  • Spanish Fork Reservation, p.354
  • Spanish language, 1156
  • Special accounts, 891

  • Special agents, 91, 136, 182, 739, p.7, p.8;
    depredation claims, 709, p.199;
    Idaho, p.314;
    inspections, 949, 953, p.269;
    Montana, p.331;
    Oregon, p.342;
    rosters, 976;
    Washington, p.355.
    See also names of special agents.

  • Special Commissioner to the Navajo Indians, 1379
  • Special Disbursing Agent for the Seminole Indians in Florida, 1378
  • Special officers, 165-767, 770-772, 949, 1060, p.269
  • Spokan Indians, 520, p.174, p.314, p.354
  • Spokane Reservation, 5,72, 671, 672

  • Spoliation claims of Cherokee Indians, 231, 232, 236, 238, 241, p.76, p.80.
    See also Depredation claims.

  • Spotted Tail Agency, p.312 
  • Spotted Wolf, Pat, 414
  • Springfield Indian School, 1363-1370, p.381-382
  • Springs, 674
  • Squaw Point Day School, 1112 
  • Squaxon Indians, p.354
  • Staff meetings, 989
  • Standing Rock Agency, 490, 559-561, 617, p.312
  • Stanton, S. S., 832
  • Stapleton, Col. Robert H., 1218 
  • Stark, William M., 401
  • State, Department of, 103, 651 

  • States, 322, 723, 928;
    authority, 1393, p.31,
    Governors, 1;
    officials, 926.
    See also specific States.

  • Statisticians, 957, p.273
  • Statistics, 957-959, 961-963, p.94, p.206, p.274
  • Statistics Division, 957-966, p.5, p.273-274
  • Statistics Section, p.5, p.64, p.206, p.222, p.273
  • Statutes at Large, 105
  • Steel, 866
  • Stenographers, 646
  • Stenographic Section, p.64
  • Stevens, Alden S., 904, 905
  • Stevens, Isaac I., 1239
  • Stewart, Mary, 724

  • Stockbridge Indians:
    agencies and superintendents, p.313, p.323, p.337, p.338, p.371, p.372;
    enrollment, 612, 902, 903; land, 388, 489

  • Stockbridge Reservation, 388
  • Stoelmen, p.226
  • Stocks (securities), 79, 851,

  • Stocks (cont.) 930, 931, p.237.
    See also Securities.
  • Storehouse Issues, 1369
  • Stores, sales slips from, 1367
  • Stover, E. B., 552
  • Students. See Schools.

  • Subagencies, p.7;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1075;
    Michigan Superintendency, p.323-325;
    Washington Superintendency, p.355;
    Western Superintendency, p.347.
    See also specific subagencies.

  • Subagency for the "country west of the Rocky Mountains," p.341

  • Subagents, 2, 974, 975, p.7;
    Consolidated Chippewa Agency, p.310;
    Oregon Superintendency, 1193, p.342;
    Washington Superintendency, p.355;
    Wisconsin Superintendency, 1316

  • Subsistence, 79, 91, 299, 897;
    Commissary General of Subsistence concerning, 205, 207, 208, p.71

  • Subsistence Agent (Army) at Cibolletta, N. Mex., 1166
  • Sugar, 677
  • Sully, Alfred, 681
  • Sulphur Fork factory, 61-68, p.29
  • Superintendencies, 79, 82, p.6-8, p.32, p.295, p.348, p.385
  • Superintendent of Indian Schools, 173, 715, 719, p.8, p.207
  • Superintendent of Indian Trade.
    See Indian Trade, Superintendent of.
  • Superintendent of Schools in Indian Territory, 981

  • Superintendents, 107, 131, 546, 944, 974-976, p.296
    Accounts, 113, 868, 871, 872, 875, 879 
    Correspondence, 1, 2, 75, 79, 84, 201, 202, 252, 971, 1027, 1233, 1316, p.32, p.295
    History and duties, p.6-8, p.14-15, p.269
  • Superintendents (cont.)
        Arizona, 1017, p.296;
        Central, 1033-1035, 1037, 1038, p.299;
        Dakota, p.312;
        Idaho, 1071, p.314;
        Michigan, 1136, 1137, p.323, p.324, p.325;
        Minnesota, 1141, p.340;
        Montana, p.331;
        Nevada, p.333;
        New Mexico, 1154, 1159, 1161, p.334;
        Northern, 1174, 1181, p.337-338;
        Oregon, 1186, 1189, 1201, 1377, p.342;
        St. Louis, 1040;
        Southern, 1206, p.348-349;
        Utah, p.353;
        Washington, 1239, p.355;
        Western, p.347;
        Wisconsin, p.371;
        Wyoming, 1321, p.373
        See also Field officials.

  • Superintendents, agency, 133, 519, 564, 761, 989, p.8, p.192
    Chief Special Officer's correspondence, 764, 771 
    Consolidated Chippewa Agency, 1060-1064
    Leech Lake Agency, 1081, 1103
    Relief and rehabilitation Work, 1007, 1008, p.290
    Reports and forms, 762, 792, 794, 795, 959-964, 1103, 1279, 1282
    White Earth, 1279, 1282, 1293
    See also Agents.

  • Superintendents, district, 953

  • Superintendents, school, 91, 96, 761, 877, 890, 976, 1392 Alaska, 804, p, 229
    Indian Territory, 981
    Leech Lake Agency, 1080
    Reports, 729, 730, 732-735, 738, 739, 742
    Service as agents, p.8, p.383
    White Earth Agency, 1254, 1255

  • Superintendents of removal, 202, 220, 223, 289, 1043, 1052, p.304
  • Supervising construction engineers, p.286
  • Supervising engineers, 655-659, p.187
  • Supervisors, 739, 956, 976, 981, p.8-9, p.207, p.296.
    See also specific positions.

  • Supplies, 79, 112, 181, 184, i351, 882, 883, 889, 949, 954;
    administrative responsibility, p.64, p.205, p.237, p.265;
    Alaska, 824;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1387, 1395, 1398, p.385;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 202, 204, 206;
    field offices, 1023, 1053, 1055, 1080, 1254, 1255, 1323, 1342, 1370, p.305;
    Revenue Office, p.31

  • Supplies Section of Education Division, p.237-238
  • Supplies Section of Purchase Division, p.238
  • Support of Indians, 840
  • Supreme Court, p.151
  • Surgical services, 774
  • Surveys of land. See Land, surveys.
  • Swamplands, 161, 489
  • Swetland Rolls of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 219
  • Swinomish Indians, p.354
  • Symington, A. W., p.168

    - T -

  • Tabaquache Ute Indians, p.334
  • Tacoma, Wash., 481
  • Tarrant, Leonard, 290
  • Tatum, Capt. Mark, IP15
  • Tawakoni Indians, p.348
  • Taxes, 513, 878, 922, 1395
  • Taylor, Rev. Charles A., 1146
  • Teachers. See Schools.
  • Technical Cooperation - Bureau of Indian Affairs, 963
  • Telegraph lines, 163
  • Telephone lines, 163, p.287
  • Tellico, p.24
  • Tenino Indians, p.342

  • Tennessee, p.24, p.304, p.308, p.309;
    Agent of the War Department in, 1046, 1050, 1051, 1055, p.305;
    Governor, 1056

  • Tennessee River, p.24
  • "Termination," p.3

  • Territories, Governors of, 1, 2;
    as ex officio superintendents, 75, p.6, p.296, p.312, p.314, p.323, p.324, p.325, p.330, p.331, p.334, p.342, p.353, p.355, p.371, p.373.
    See also specific Territories.
  • Texas, 120, 1207, p.348
  • Textbooks, 721, 722
  • Textiles, 756
  • Thierman, J. Henry, 408 
  • 35th Parallel (newspaper), 1214
  • Thompson, Clark W., 704
  • Thompson, Robert F., 304
  • Thompson, William, 588, p.165
  • Thurston Lake Storage Reservoir, 319
  • Tidwell, Henry M., 483

  • Timber, p.192;
    Alaska, p.230;
    land, 163, 667-672;
    Leech Lake, 1064, 1078-1080, 1087, p.315;
    operations, 310., 953;
    rights, 91;
    sales and contracts, 102, 514, 515, 622, 667, 906, 1064, 1079, 1087, 1261-1263, p.230, p.315;
    survey and valuation, 345, 408, 483, 635, 668-672, p.193;
    White Earth, 345, 1061, 1249, 1252, 1261-1263, 1275.
    See also Forestry and Logging.

  • Timber cruisers, 669
  • Tombigbee River, p.25
  • Tonawanda Seneca Indians, p.337
  • Tongue River Agency, 561, 790
  • Tongue River Reservation, 354, 414
  • Tonkawa Indians, 933, p.348
  • Topographers, 669
  • Towns in Alaska, incorporation of, p.230
  • Townships, 163, 642
  • Townsites, 163, 306, 407, 410, 483, 509;
    sales, 906, 923
  • Trachma, 773, 774, 776, 777, p.221, p.222

  • Trade, 1080, p.195, p.265;
    Government, 1, 3-73, p.1, p.14-19, p.23, p.24, p.25, p.26, p.27, p.28, p.29, p.30-31;
    regulation, p.2, p.14-15

  • Traders, 2, 79, 91, 885, 935, 1080, 1127, 1168, 1202,

  • Traders (cont.) 
    licenses, 1, 79, 181, 184, 941-947, 1065, 1096, 1154, p.2, p.4, p.14-15, p.64, p.195, p.206, p.265-266

  • Trading posts. See Factories.
  • Tails, 674, 1360, p.287
  • Training, 1000, 1001, p.2

  • Transportation, p.237;
    accounts, 845, 866, 877;
    Centennial, 86;
    claims and contracts, 112, 206, 889, 892;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 202, 206, 208, p.71;
    facilities, 327;
    Office of Indian Trade, 6, 25, p.15;
    Pupils, 181, 740, 1323, 1327, 1351.
    reindeer, 814

  • Transportation agents, 3, 5, 1326, p.16
  • Transportation Section of Purchase Division, p.238
  • Trapping, p.230
  • Travel, 165, 178, 949, 950
  • Traveling auditors, 949, p.269
  • Traveling mental health clinic, 759
  • Treasurer of the United States, 871

  • Treasury, Secretary of, 650, 855, 856, p.31; 
    correspondence, 3, 4, 74

  • Treasury, U.S., 209, 840, 923, 931, 1349;
    appropriation warrants, 855, 856.
    See also Auditors, Comptrollers, and Second Auditor.

  • Treasury Department, 856, 891, p.16, p.31
    Circulars, 131, 830
    Correspondence, 2, 4, 79, 91, 248, 827, 926, 1027, 1033, 1042, 1233, 1385, p.32
    Forms, 553, 703
    Notices, 1023, 1041, 1066, 1134, 1168

  • Treaties, 2, 103-106, 113, 353, 354, 638, 648, 1023, p.7, p.91;
    enforcement, 98, 106, 204, 256, 837, 875, 87,7, 937, p.6, p.69-70, p.299, p.348-349;
    negotiation, 1, 79, 103, 104, 106, 1188, 1239, 1240, p.1, p.69
  • Trees, planting of, p.287
  • Trespasses. See Intruders on Indian lands.
  • Tribal Affairs, Branch of, p.292
  • Tribal Lands Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Tribal Programs, Branch of, p.292
  • Tribal Relations, Branch of, p.292
  • Tribal Relations, Division of, p.273, p.292
  • Tribal Welfare Division, p.208
  • Tribes, 1386, 1387;
    dissolving of, p.2;
    government and organization, 306, 633, 771, 960, 1011-1014, 1167, p.5, p.292;
    incorporation, p.292;
    membership, 648, 1012;
    money, 627, 923, 925, p.176;
    relations, 1167;
    self-sufficiency, p.2, p.3;
    See also specific tribes.

  • Triplett, Caius E., 567
  • Troops, payments to, 1055, p.305
  • Trovbridge, C. R., 485
  • Trust funds, 79, 837, 845, 855, 875, 877, 926-933, p.92, p.94, p.237;
    Alaska, 808, p.230
  • Trust lands, 407, 415, 417-477, p.92, p.124-125, p.129
  • Trust periods, 337, 350, 639, p.92, p.115
  • Tuberculosis, 147, 773, p.221
  • Tucson Agency, p.334
  • Tulalip Agency, 743, 744, p.355
  • Tulalip Indians, p.354
  • Tulerosa Valley, p.351
  • Turkey River, Iowa, p.372
  • Turtle Mountain Agency, 490
  • Turtle Mountain Reservation, 339, 354, 572
  • Tuscarora Indians, 903, p.337
  • Tuxican, Alaska, 824
  • Two Kettles Sioux Indians, p.312
  • Tyler, William, p.86

    - U -

  • Uintah Valley, p.354
  • Uintah Valley Agency, p.354
  • Umatilla Agency, p.342, p.343, p.355
  • Umatilla Indians, 410, p.342
  • Umatilla Reservation, 410, p.342
  • Umpqua Indians, p.342
  • Union Agency, 484, 632, 649, 922, 924, 1223-1227, p.300, p.352-353
  • Union Pacific Railroad co., 456
  • United Band of Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawatomi Indians, p.372
  • U.S. International Exhibition, 78, 79, 86, 934
  • Updegraff, Harlan, 799
  • Upper Arkansas Agency, p.299, p.300
  • Upper Missouri Agency, 1068, p.298, p.299, p.312, p.372
  • Upper Pend d'Oreille Indians, p.355
  • Upper Peninsula of Michigan, p.323, p.324
  • Upper Platte Agency, p.298, p.299, p.338
  • Upper Towns (Creek), 285
  • Upshaw, A. M. M., 253
  • Uses Section of Land Division, p.93, p.94, p.187, p.192
  • Utah, 325, p.333, p.353, p.354;
    Territory, p.353, p.354
  • Utah Agency, 1157, p.334
  • Utah Superintendency, 832, 1228, p.353-354, p.373
  • Ute Commission, 684, 936
  • Ute Indians, 170, 652, 684, p.334, p.353, p.354.
    See also individual bonds.
  • Ute Mountain Jurisdiction, 1380
  • Utilla Agency, p.542

    - V -

  • Vaccinations, 753
  • Valuation agents, 939
  • Van Buren, Ark., p.348
  • Venereal diseases, 773, p.221
  • Ventilation., 738
  • Vigeant, Xavier, p.290
  • Virginia City, Mont., p.331

  • Visits, 137, 176;
    Carlisle School, 1341;
    Chamberlain School, 1350;
    New Mexico Superintendency, 1154;
    reservations, 165
  • Vital statistics, 963
  • Vocational guidance, 1001
  • Vocational opportunities, 724
  • Vore, Israel G., 1377
  • Vouchers, 896, 1180, 1195, 1222, 1369
  • Vroom, Peter D., p.85

    - W -

  • Waco Indians, p.348
  • Wages of Indians, 793, 1118
  • Wahpekute Sioux Indians, 920
  • Wahpeton Sioux Indians, 384, 385, 508, 920, 933, p.312
  • Walapai Indians, p.296
  • Walker, Minn., p.315
  • Walker River Reservation., 354, 643
  • Wallace, John W., 578-580, 582-586, p.165
  • Wallawalla Indians, 410, p.342, p.354
  • Wanamaker, Rodman, 1,9-6

  • War, Secretary of:
    Alaska, 801;
    Cherokee, 223, 239, 248, 1043;
    Chickasaw, 252, 254;
    Choctaw, 272, 273, 278-280;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 199, 202, 204, 205, p.71;
    Creek, 294, 296;
    finance, 205, 826, 849, 926;
    general correspondence with, 75, 79, 84, 85, p.32; Office of Indian Trade, 3, 4, 13, p.15, p.17;
    private trade, p.14-15;
    records, 1, 2, p.9, p.13;
    Revenue Office, 74;
    supervision of Indian administration, p.1, p.13

  • War Department:
    Agent in Tennessee, 1046, 1050, 1051, 1055, p.305;
    claims, 897;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 209, p.70, p.71;
    correspondence, 91, 170, 1042, 1043, 1056;
    Creek land frauds, 293;
    establishment and operation of Bureau of Indian Affairs in, p.1;
    fire of November 1800, p.13;

  • War Department (cont.)
    irrigation, 657;
    Joseph McMinn, 1056, p.305;
    Military Agents, p.15;
    Treasury business, 74, p.31

  • War of 1812, p.24, p.25, p.29, p.30, p.323
  • War Relocation Authority, 178, p.3
  • Ward, George A., p.192

  • Wardship, 194;
    committee, 191

  • Warehouses, 327, 881, 890, 1395, p.50
  • Waxm Springs Agency, p.342, p.343
  • Warm Springs and Colville Commission, 507
  • Warm Springs Indians, p.342
  • Warm Springs Reservation, 507, 1202
  • Warsaw, Ill., p.28
  • Wasco Indians, p.342

  • Washington, 724, p.354-356;
    Indians, lands, and agencies in, 325, 387, 408, 478-481, 507, 613-615, 743, 744, 863, 869, p.175, 176, p.342-343, p.354-355;
    Territory, 387, p.314, p.331, p.341-343, p.354

  • Washington, D.C., 137, 956, p.187, p.199, p.207-208, p.229, p.236, p.295
  • Washington, George C., p.80
  • Washington East of the Cascades Agency, p.355
  • Washington Superintendency, 1229-1243, p.314, p.341-343, p.354-356
  • Washo Indians, p.333, p.354

  • Water, 823;
    rights, 102;
    supply, 657, 658, 738, 739, 782, 783, 1000, p.287, p.290;
    systems, 999, p.285

  • Watson, J. C., and Co., 297
  • Wea Indians, 455, p.298
  • Wealth of tribes, 728, p.195
  • Weather, 658, 1350
  • Weber, George M., 957
  • Weeds, 794, 795, p.226, p.287
  • Weights of school pupils, 1106
  • Welfare, 804, 960
  • Welfare, Director of, 194
  • Wells, 666, 674, 1380
  • Western Bannock Indians, p.314
  • Western Shoshoni Indians, p.314,
  • Western Superintendency, 201, p.347, p.348
  • Whale fisheries, p.229
  • Whalebone, p.230
  • Wheeler-Howard Act. See Indian Reorganization Act 1934.
  • Whetstone Agency, 832, 1068, p.312, p.338
  • White, Albert S., p.203
  • White, Barclay, 471, 1174
  • White children in Indian schools, 736, 737
  • White Earth, Minn., 1061, 1062
  • White Earth Agency, 1244-1312, p.295, p.310, p.315, p.359, p.368
  • White Earth Boarding School, 1286-1292
  • White Earth Chippewa Indians, p.359
  • White Earth Reservation, 345, 3461, 1063, 1305, p.310, p.359, p.368
  • White Oak Point Chippewa Indians, p.315, p.359
  • White River, p.308
  • White River Agency, 683
  • Wichita Agency, 1207, p.299, p.300, p.348, p.349; Confederate, 1211, p.349
  • Wichita Indians, p.299, p.348
  • Wild Rice River Boarding School, 1284
  • Wikinson, Charles D., 1061
  • Willamette Valley, p.341, p.342
  • Williams, William, 334
  • Wilson, Maj. W. P., 1165
  • Wilson, Thomas, p.76
  • Wiminuche Ute Indians, p.334
  • Wind River Reservation, 319, 354
  • Winibigoshish Pillager band of Chippewa Indians, p.315
  • Winnebago Agency., 160, 1182, p.312, p.330, p.338

  • Winnebago Indians, 106, 172, 1376;
    agencies and superintendencies, p.323, p.330, p.338., p.371, p.383;
    certificates of indebtedness, 420, 421;
    lands, 349, 371, 420, 421, 458, 472-475, 518;
    removal, 201;
    traders' claims against, 893

  • Winnebago Reservation, 354, 554-558, 572, p.157
  • Winnebago Trust Lands, 420, 4,01, 472-475

  • Wisconsin, p.313, p.323, p.324-325, p.330, p.337, p.371-372;
    Indians and lands in, 316, 317, 349, 388, 489, 612, 919,  1376, p.325, p.330, p.337, p.338, p.371-372, p.383;
    Territory, p.324, p.371-372

  • Wisconsin, State Historical Society of, p.17
  • Wisconsin River, p.323
  • Wisconsin Superintendency, 1313-1319, p.324, p.337, p.371-372
  • Wisdom, Dew M., 908, 910, 911
  • Wittenberg, Wis., p.383
  • Wittenberg Indian School, 572, 1371-1376, p.383
  • Wolcott, Edward, 445, 611
  • Work Projects Administration, p.2-3, p.5, p.226, p.290
  • World War I, 1090
  • World War II, p.3, p.9
  • Wright, J. George, 916
  • Wright, John W., 553
  • Wyandot Indians, 301, 320, 489, p.298, p.323
  • Wyoming, 319, p.298, p.312, p.314, p.353, p.373; Territory, p.312, p.353, p.373

  • Wyoming Superintendency, 1320, 1321, p.354, p.373
  • Wyse, John, 296, 300

    - Y -

  • YWCA at Carlisle School, 1338
  • Yakima Agency, p.355
  • Yakima Appraising Commission, 408
  • Yakima Indians, p.354
  • Yakima Reservation, 408, p.322, p.355
  • Yamel Indians, p.342
  • Yankton, Dakota, p.312
  • Yankton Agency, 1068, p.299, p.312
  • Yankton Reservation, 339
  • Yankton Sioux Indians, 399-403, 502, p.312
  • Yanktonai Sioux Indians, 386, p.312
  • Yavapai Indians, p.296
  • Young, Brigham, p.353
  • Ypsilanti, Mich., p.325
  • Yukon River, 801, 824
  • Yuma Indians, p.296

    - Z -

  • Ziegler, M. V., 781
  • Zimmerman, William, 189, 190
  • Zuni Reservation, 153, 784