[M234, roll 236, frames 322-23]

List of the Negroes taken on the 30th April 1825.

Western Creek Nation January 12th 1832

This list contains the names, description, and value of the Negroes that was taken from me to wit.

James, a male 46 years of age$450
Jeney, a female 35 years of age400
Campbell, a male 20 years of age500
Molley, a female 15 years of age450
Rose, a female 13 years of age350
Dyaner, a female 12 years of age300
Jupiter, a male 10 years of age250
Eady, a female 8 years of age200
Betty, a female 3 years of age150
and an infant child, name not known100

We the undersigned have examined the above list and valuation of the Negroes and we think that they are valued at a low rate to what Negroes sell at here.

Signed this 12 January 1832

Fushatche Micco
Hospodock harjo
Warloco harjo
Ben Derasaw
Benjamin Hawkins