[M234, roll 290, frame 601]

New Orleans Lou.
7 Sept. 1838


Your letter by express mail, bearing date 6th July, in answer to mine of 28th June in relation to dispatching the 34 Negroes west, I had the honor to receive yesterday; it must have reached this city on the 12th, the day after my departure with Alligator and his party; had it come to hand prior to my leaving New Orleans, I probably could have made arrangements to have sent them back, subjected to the orders of the Creek attorney, as I had overtaken them about two hundred miles east of Fort Gibson; should they have been returned however, it is very doubtful, whether the Creeks would have obtained posession of them, as there were very many persons (I was informed) ready with claims similar to that of Love's, is why they were forthwith dispatched, in order to prevent further difficulty; had the attorney for the Creeks been present at the period the Negroes were turned over to me by the Sheriff, and could have identified them, as those coming within the order, they would (most undoubtedly) have been surrendered agreeably to my instructions; but the attorney had left the city for Alabama and there was no person, to my knowledge, who was authorised to receive them if there had been, it is certain the Negroes could not be identified, as those taken by the Creek warriors, and again, if the Commissioner will have the goodness to refer to my original instructions in relation to those Negroes, he will observe that I was enjoined to incur no expense in turning them over, which certainly could not have been avoided in the absence of proper persons to receive them.

I regret Sir, as much as the Department possibly can, the circumstances of their leaving, but in dispatching them westward, I was under the full conviction of having performed my duty, honestly and faithfully, and trusted that in so doing, I had the full countenance of the Department.

I was informed by Mr. Collins, the attorney, that there were many Negroes coming within his claim, who are still in Florida, will you be pleased to give me full instructions, as to the course that I shall adopt in the event of those Negroes coming into my hands for emigration.

I have the honor
to be, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Jno. G. Reynolds
1st Lieut. U. S. M. C.
& Disbg. Agt. Ind. Dept.

C. A. Harris Esqr.
Comr. Indian Affairs
Washington City