[M574, roll 13, frame 28-29, special file 96]

Head Qrs. 2nd Mil. Dept.
Fort Smith Jany. 29, 1848


I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of a communication from Lieut. Colonel Loomis 6th Infy. addressed to General Jesup relative to the "Seminole Negroes" residing near Fort Gibson under the protection of that garrison.

In submitting this subject for the consideration of the Government, I would respectfully recommend that some measures at once be adopted for the removal of these misfortunate people from the vicinity of the Indian Country.  Their presence is an evil which will continue to increase the longer they are permitted to remain where they are.  And I consider the plan suggested, their transportation to Liberia, a very good one, and one, too, which as it appears to meet their wishes, is fully entitled to the services and favorable consideration of the Department.  They are now furnished with rations at the public expense, and are the cause of much dissatisfaction, inconvenience and endless complaints on the part of the neighboring tribes, and all conceived in a manner whatever, and I am of the opinion, that it would in the end, be far more economical, and that the well being of all interested either directly or remotely would be greatly promoted, if the Government would authorize their transportation to New Orleans, and thence transport them to Africa; and the sooner the better.  If it should not be thought advisable to remove them at the public expense, their case might be represented to the Colonization Society which would perhaps take charge of them on their arrival at New Orleans.  Justice requires that some provision should be made for those who were induced to leave their owners and rely upon our Government for protection.  The mode suggested is believed to be one best calculated to secure this most desirable object, and at the same time remove a great and increasing evil, extremely pernicious in its tendencys.

I am General
Very Respectfully
your obedt. servt.
M. Arbuckle
Brigdr. Genl. U. S. A.

Brigr. Genl. R. Jones
Adjt. General U. S. A.
Washington City D. C.