[M234, roll 227, frame 579]

Creek Agency
January 12, 1847


I beg leave to hand you the accompanying letter from the Creek Chiefs.

The subject to which it refers has become one of considerable interest to these people, and the speedy action of the Government, entirely requests, the numbers of free Negroes, or Negroes claiming to be free have multiplied to such an extent, that it is truly alarming, the neighboring tribes having expelled all the free negroes from their country.  They have flocked to the Creek Nation, in the south western part of which, the Negroes who claim to be free under the proclamation of Genl. Jesup, have congregated, & which have become, a place of refugee for all runaway Negroes, from the States as well as from this and the neighboring Nations, the Creeks authorities are desirous of acting in accordance with the wishes of the Government, but are determined to disperse the settlement of Negroes, on Little River, & to expel all free Negroes, from their country.

The Department perceive the necessity of its speedy action.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obet. St.
James Logan
Creek Agent

Hon. W. Medill
Com. Indian Affs.