[M234, roll 290, frame 592b]

Van Buren Ark
18th August 1838


I have the honor to transmit muster rolls of Indians delivered to Capt. Stephenson on the 5th inst; the transportation from Little Rock was both land and water, the former in consequence of the low stage of the river, the party of Negroes under the charge of asst. condt. Benjamin was overtaken at Clarkesville 170 miles above Little Rock and embarked with the party under my charge; the whole disembarked at Fort Coffee and proceeded by land.  The average travel was ten miles per day, not being able to make more in consequence of extreme heat and want of water.

I am detained at this place waiting an opportunity to descend the river, every exertion has been made to obtain conveyance, horses are not to be procured either by purchase or hire.  I shall loose as little time as possible in reporting in person to the Superintendent.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Jno. G. Reynolds
1st Lieut. U. S. M. C.
& Disbg. Agt. Ind. Dept.

C. A. Harris Esqr.
Comr. Indian Affairs
Washington City