[M234, roll 225, frame 227-8]

Creek Nation, West of the Mississippi River

To the Honorable the Secretary of War of the United States.

The Memorial of Kendall Lewis of the Creek Nation of Indians, and one of the friends and followers of the late General William McIntosh.

Humbly Sheweth

That General William McIntosh in his lifetime, was possessed of the following Negroes slaves, to wit, Tartar, Malinda, Vina, Chloe, Nancy, Fanny, Betsy, Toby, and Ellick.  That by an order of the Creek Nation these Negroes were given to General William McIntosh in payment of a debt due him from a certain Robert Grayson a white man with a Creek family, residing in the Creek Nation.  That while in possession of those Negroes, General William McIntosh, his last will and testament in writing bequeathed the said Negroes to his daughter Delilah McIntosh, now Delilah Drew.  That after this bequest Thomas Grayson obtained the possession of the said Negroes, and carried them into the state of Alabama, where he instituted a suit to try the title of said Negroes & the Court of Montgomery County Alabama decreed said Negroes to be the property of the children and heirs of the said Robert Grayson, to wit, Thomas Grayson, Alexander Grayson & William Grayson.  These heirs of Robert Grayson, sold the said Negroes to one John G. Ross, of the Cherokee Nation East, from whom your memorialist purchased them for a valuable consideration, and removed to the Creek Nation, where he now lives.

Your memorialist further states, that after he had removed those Negroes, to the Creek Nation West, they were claimed by the said Delilah McIntosh, now Delilah Drew, under the said will of her father William McIntosh.

It appears by a Decree of the Chiefs in Council of the date of 21st May 1832, which is herewith submitted, that the said Negroes were decreed to the said Delilah McIntosh now Delilah Drew; and the Nation made liable to your Memorialist for the value of the said Negroes, amounting to the sum of two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars ($2950.)

Your Memorialist humbly represents that although the above decree is in full force, yet he has no means to enforce the payment of the money mentioned in said decree; and it is consequently withheld.

Your Memorialist prays that the sum due to him may be taken out of the first annuity payable to the Creek Nation; and that the disbursing agents may be instructed to pay the said money to your Memorialist; and he as in duty bound, will ever pray & c.

K. Lewis

Fort Gibson, Jany. 27th 1837