[M234, roll 236, frame 294]

Creek Nation [Oct 26, 1827]

Know all men by these presents that I Watta Grayson have this day bargained and sold unto my brother Thomas Grayson for the full and just sum of fifteen hundred dollars to me paid; a family of Negro slaves as follows.

Jim a man about thirty eight years old, his wife Ginny about thirty, Campbell about fourteen, Molly about twelve, Rose about ten, Dianna about nine, Jupiter about seven, Nelly about four, and Eady about two years old, the right and title of said Negroes I warrant and defend against all claims whatever unto Thomas Grayson, his heirs or assigns forever.

Witness where of I hereunto set my hand this 26th Octr 1827.
Watta X Grayson

Robert X Grierson
Steven X Hawkins

The above is a true copy from the original on record in my office

John Campbell
Agent Creeks

Western Creek Agency 27th Octr 1832.