[M234, roll 236, frame 422]

Indians vaccinated by Dr. George L. Weed in the Creek and Cherokee Nations, 1832.

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" A return of Indians vaccinated by Doctor George L. Weed in the Creek and Cherokee Nations (West of Arkansas Ter.) under the act of Congress, - approved the 5th May 1832."   (Many persons are listed twice.)

Dec. 10thElsey16Creek
"Ben Sanco12Creek
"Juriah Sanco14Creek
"Si_eo Sanco8Creek
"Ranta Sanco6Creek
"Toney Sanco3Creek
Dec. 17thMary at J. Davi's8Creek
"Thos Atkins10Creek
Dec. 20thThos Canard14Creek
"Davy's wife21Creek
"Davy's child1Creek
"Black boy3Creek
Total -- 790 names
at -- 6 cents per head

Gen. Campbell
Agt. for Western Creeks

I hereby certify that the above is a correct list of the persons I have vaccinated. I should have proceded further in the business, but the virtues of the matter received from the War Department was injured by being enclosed in hot wax. I then procured good matter, but through the carelessness of the Indians I could not save enough to go on in vaccinating. I have since sent to different cities & procured some but found it not to be genuine. For the year past I have made great efforts by writing & by journeying to procure good matter but having failed I cionclude it is best to close the concern.

I am Sir, Very Respectfully
Yours Geo. L. Weed

Western Creek Nation March 21, 1834 Recd of Genl John Campbell forty eight & 40/100 dollars in full for the foregoing account. Signed duplicates

Geo. L. Weed

I do hereby certify on honor that the foregoing account of Doctor George L. Weed, for forty eight dollars & forty cents for vaccinating the Indians is correct and just, and, that he actually did perform the sevices therein charged for, to the best of my ----
Western Creek Agency 21st March 1834

Jno Campbell
Agent Creeks