[M234, roll 237, frame 418]

"A Muster Roll of Emigrants that came from the Old Creek Nation in Alabama to their Country east of the Mississippi River in the year 1831."

Heads of FamiliesPersons over
8 years
Persons under
8 years
SlavesTotalTime of Arrival
Susannah McIntosh5
813Nov. 1831
Jane Hawkins1

1Nov. 1831

1Nov. 1831

1Nov. 1831
Samuel Brown1

1Aug. 1831
John Winsellett1

1Aug. 1831

I do hereby certify that all the above emigrants are entitled to one years provision under the treaty of 1826 - that Susannah McIntosh & Jane Hawkins have been paid the allowance for emigrating their families to this country. Jane Hawkins is entitled to the allowance for emigrating Pascopha & Jackson as she paid their expenses and brought them to this country. Samuel Brown & John Winsellett are entitled to the allowance for emigrating themselves at their own expense.

Given under my hand at the Western Creek Agency this 25th day of June 1834. Signed duplicates

Jno. Campbell
Agent Creeks