[M234, roll 237, frame 131]

Fort Mitchell
6th Sept 1828


I have the honour of informing you that I have arrived here on the 27th Ult. I perceive the disposition to emigrate is evidently increasing and although the same secret influence is exercised by the chiefs and others to prevent it.

If time permitted many hundreds might be added to the present party which the advanced stage of the season will not authorise us to expect. Many influential men have come forward and stated that they have been kept back by what they are now satisfied were false representations, and that by spring instead of calling out a few families whole towns can be removed. From necessity alone if not again fear by the government they must go as the present crop of corn which now detains many will barely last them through the winter, and a great portion of their next annuity being anticipated they will not have the means to puchase. I shalt therefore after seeng a few more of the chief in this quarter, proceed to the general rendezvous about one hundred and fifty miles from this, and with as little delay as possible and put the party already assembled in motion.

I would take the liberty of suggesting to you the expediency of changing the head quarters of the company now stationed in the nation. In the vicinity of this place we have no opposition to apprehend, which the presence of Troop, can control. It is from the Upper towns that we have been openly outraged and have the greatist reason to expect insolence. This will place them on the side of the nation where we must have our general rendezvous where experience has proven that Troops are essencially necessary. Besides every circumstance that can be brought to bear against emigration is used and a report is barely circulated by the opposition party that the troops were called for by Col Crawell for their protection against the white people & and the fact being known that he had requested troops and their being stationed here is calculated to enforce that belief and thus instead of furthering by their presence the interest of migration, will have the contrary effect.

The Sub agency at the Pole Cat Springs is about eight miles from the Tuckubachee town the seat of hostile opposition - that or its vicinity would be an eligible place for the Troops.

I have the honour to be
Very Respectfully
Your obedt. Servt
D. Brearly
Agt. In. Affs.

Honbl. Peter B. Porter.
Secretary of War