[M234, roll 237, frame 58]

Washington, Sept. 5th, 1827


The emigrating party of Creek Indians are to commence assembling on the 15th of the present month, and the 1st of October is the time appointed for our departure from the nation. There is such a variety if incidents which must accrue in the performance of my duties, and the time so limited, as not to admit a second correspondence. I took the liberty of coming to this place with a wish of explaining, as far as in my power, my views, and to anticipate such measures as would best facilitate the interest of the Government.

In addition to the communication made to Mr. Nourse, I had reserved to mention for your consideration, the expediency of appointing a Sub-Agent, which will be more important during the movement than at any future period, as my duties will not permit me to remain long with either party until the emigration is complete. The emoluments of the office are not such as to induce many who are qualified to accept in short, there are but few in this instance who could be useful, and I know of none, who from his acquaintances with the nation, and knowledge of their language, could render me as much assistance, as Captain Anthony; whose letter to you on that subject I herewith enclose. Should you require further evidence of his character and fitness it will be in his power to satisfy you. I have had his assistance during my recent stay in the nation, for which I allowed his expenses only.    

As to the number that will emigrate this fall, it is impossible to form any correct estimates, even by knowing those who express a desire to go. It is so much their habit to postpone and neglect every preparatory arrangement until the last hour. It is probable 500 will be in readiness, which is as large a number as would be prudent to make the experiment at that season; the weather of course will be cold on their arrival, and if they suffer much it will pause future operations.

I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Yr. Obdt. Servt.
D. Brearly
Agt. In. Affs.

Honl. James Barbour