[M234, roll 237, frame 381]
[Sen, Doc. 512, vol. 247, page 541]

Western Creek Agency
4th Sept. 1833


I have to solicit your attention to the case of the Teamster which I discover by the voucher that Comptroller has sent me has been reduced to fifty cents per day; this would not board and clothe a man in this country, boarding is from $12 to $15 per month, and a good field hand cannot be got for less than $15 per month, and his boarding and washing found him, a good steady teamster that can be relied on cannot be had for less than a dollar per day, when he boards himself. Mr. Ballard has quit the employment some time since believing that he could do better than he would by getting a dollar per day in the public service.

I have therefore sir most respectfully to solicit a reconsideration of this matter in order that this young man who is a very trusty honest one may have justice done him.

Genl. Chilly McIntosh a few days since reported a party of emigrants consisting of sixty persons, part of which was brought in last spring by Benjamin Hawkins, and the rest amounting to upwards of forty was brought on by Genl. McIntosh, and as I have had no instructions as to what manner this years provisions are to be supplied I am completely at a loss how to proceed. I understand there will a great many come on this fall on their own account and they are all anxious to draw provisions as soon as the arrive.

There has been upwards of one hundred cases of cholera at Fort Gibson within the last two months, but it has now entirely subsided without having one solitary case in the Creek Nation, but the Creeks are unusually sickly for the last month with billious fevers.

I have the honor to be, Sir,
You Obt. Servt.
Jno. Campbell

Elbert Herring Esqr.
Commissioner Indn. Affrs.