[M234, roll 237, frame 411-13]

Creek Nation
(Sept. 3, 1832)

  We the undersigned chiefs of the Eche,se,ho,ga Town and heads of each family entitled to reserves under the late treaty made at Washington City in March 1832 have come together this 3rd day of September in open council and have agree to request Judge Tarrant out agent to inform our Father the President that all who are hereunto subscribed of our town together with some of other towns heads of Creek familys all of whom are our relations that we wish to emigrate this fall to the Chickasaw Nation and that we met together this spring past, and appointed a delegation to go to the Chickasaw Nation which delegation has returned and has obtained the consent of the chiefs of that Nation for us to remove there for the present as they are all our family connections in that nation and that we are anxious to get together so that when they emigrate to Ar,kan,saw then we will go with them and also to inform our Father the President we wish to start in sixty days or less if we can get of, and that we are in debt here and can't remove without making some arrangements with our reserves to settle our debts we wish our Father the President to suffer us to appoint an agent or attorney of our acquaintance who is Major John C. Webb who is know to our agent to be a man of character and of good standing in whom we have the utmost confidence from long acquaintance, who will be duly & legally authorized by your sanction to act generally every way on our parts in disposing of our lands by legal Power of Attorney and by your honor sanctioning this request our agent or attorney, will be duly authorized to settle all our debts out of the proceeds of our lands which we'll go before him and acknowledge and order him to pay them, and by this arrangement our creditors will consent for us to go without any Interception, our attorney will make us such advances as we need for our passage and we wish him to purchase us some horses to transport our children & baggage Otherwise we wish to Provide our own passage and receive our fifteen dollars before we start or when we get to Ark,an,saw if our Father the President would prefer to pay it there, but we wish our Father the President to order us located before we start, but should it not be immminent for us to be located before we start our attorney will be duly authorized to receive our certificates of location as he is well acquainted with all our old homes and can show the locating agents each residence we leave, But if our Father the President thinks we should be chargeable on the government more than the provisions of the treaty we assure him it is not the case, we wish to go there on account of all our relations being there who emigrated from the nation and if he chooses to withhold from us our fifteen dollars a head for our passage our blanket & rifle and one years provisions till we reach Arkansaw he can do so as our friends have good crops and will let us have ------- the-- we wish to inform our father the sooner we leave the better for us, therefore, through our agent we our Father to sanction this request, We appoint Tus,ta,n-- in open council to carry this our agent Judge Tarrant by your attention to this you'll confer a favor on your care

Signed in presence of us
John P. Moore Interpreter
James Moore Interpreter

Franklin McLemore
Peter Dudley

marksNo's family
Cobicher Harjo  chiefX5
Hillaba fixicoX6
Arb_cher E Marthlar  chiefX5
Opith Harjo chiefX6
Joh hos E holar  chiefX7
Tus ke nahX7
Soc pa lat caX5
Tomey HarjoX
Oak fus ka mi choX4
Tomey MichoX2
Slath lo harjoX4
Tomey Fix i coX4
Ogillesee HarjoX2
Chillocco HarjoX6
Yelgar HarjoX9
Echo Ely HarjoX6
Oc ta tach E hollarX2
Im bu lattaX2
Pow us HarjoX4
Asarta MichoX
Car lo carX3
No cus C E hollarX5
So hart ta  widowX2/9
U fau la HarjoX9
War suck taX3
Tus Ta nug u cheeX3
Tomey E hollarX3
Tuck ma liga widowX6
Ter ne a widowX5
I am a widowX3
E lum gah widowX2
Lar tu ga widowX7
Tim ma widowX3
Lar boo dey widowX5
Meton O la widowX2
S Parney E MartlerX3
Ar fope carX2
Yer ho car widowX3
No cus holt la bouyerX4
Osi a HollarX3
Sim olt ler widowX2
Par li ga widowX3
Tom dach aX2
Ar bich er HarjoX3
Oc chi E MartlerX4
As dus ho boillerX3
Har ----- charX5
Ar yul kaX5
Con chart fix i coX2
Ka laX2
So kar ka widowX2
Narch car widowX3
Che u see widowX3
Ar tay leeX1
O nup sich erX1
My E ParX1
Oak fus ka HarjoX1
Coo sa HarjoX2
Salley Go aX2
Slab e cherX1
War harX7
So har taX6
Hoo looX3
Tus E ke ah HarjoX1
Mut ti li gaX1
Pin HarjoX2
O we g hach eeX2