[M234, roll 238, frame 673]

Indian Encampment
Pass Christian, Miss.
18th Sept 1837


The Contract entered into by the U. States with your Company, not embracing water conveyance for the Emigration of the Creeks, and it being the positive direction of Maj. Genl. Jesup, Comdg Army of the South, that this party be transported with every ease and convenience as well as comfort. I have to request in obedience to the wish of the Comgd. General; that the Company will provide by the date specified in my communication of the 16th inst. Steam Boats for their transportation, each Boat to accommodate and carry, not to exceed five hundred Indians. The land transportation, as defined in the contract, is such as will render the sick and infirm exceedingly uncomfortable, you are theretofore directed that instead of one Wagon for the number of persons and weight of baggage as expressed in the contract, to furnish two, the best of their kind.

As it is the wish of the Maj. Genl. Comdg. that every necessary article for the comfort of the party on the Route be furnished, I have to request you to inform me, the kind of provisions it is the intention of the Company to issue, agreeably to the Contract.

I am Gentlemen
Very respectfully
You Obt Servt
Jno. G. Reynolds
1st Lieut. U. S. M. C.
Disbg Agt. & C.

Messrs Wm. A. Campbell
& Wm J. Beatie
Agents and members
of the Alabama Emgtg. Company