[M234, roll 238, frame 669]

Pass Christian, Miss.
15th Sept. 1837.

Sir, I have received your note of this date, to the principal inquiry, to wit, whether there will be danger in transporting the Indians through the city of New Orleans, during the prevalence of the fever now raging in that city?. I will answer, having recently visited New Orleans, for the purpose of purchasing medicine for the sick and witnessing the cause and effects of the disease in one of the hospitals, do unhesitantily find it as my opinion that there is not the least danger of contracting the fever, for the short period that the Indians will remain, before embarking on board the boats.

I am Sir
Your Obt. Servt.

Dr. Edmund Wiedemann
Astg. Phys.

To Sir
Lt. John G. Reynolds
Actg. Supt, Creek Removal