[M234, roll 238, frame 860]

Pass Christian, Miss.
23rd Oct. 1837


I have the honor to inform you that agreeably to the arrangements made by Lt. Reynolds, I have this day embarked two thousand emigrating Creek Indians from this place to New Orleans where ample transportation is in readiness to receive them. Such arrangements have been made by the contactors that the party will remain but a few hours in New Orleans, whence they will proceed with all reasonable expedition to their place of destination. I shall accompany the first party to New Orleans to attend their final embarkment, where I shall remain until I am joined by the last party which will be on the 25th inst. Every arrangement having been previously made for the comfortable and speedy removal from this place of the party under my charge. I deem it most advisable to remain in New Orleans and see Lt. R's party on the way and make arrangements for the reception of my own.

I have appointed Noah Felton who was formerly assistant conductor under Lt. Reynolds, Conductor of the principal part of his party and I hope it will meet your approbation. Mr. Felton has had considerable experience, and I conceive every way qualified for the appointment

I am very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
T. T. Sloan
Lt. & Disbg. Agent

C. A. Harris
Commr. Indian Affairs
Washington City