[M234, roll 237, frame 498, hard to read]

Steam Boat "Former"
35 miles above White River
15th Oct. 1836


I have the honor to inform you that 12 or 1300 of Detachment No. 1 Emigrating Creek Indians under my charge are there for on their way to their new homes west of the Mississippi. We left Memphis yesterday on board the S. B. "Former". The Indians were adverse to water transportation, but on a proper re------ of the horrid condition of the roads through the Miss. Swamp they consented to go on board the boats. Thus far they appear satisfied. Nothing shall be wanting on my part to make them comfortable, and to guard against accident. We left in the vicinity of Memphis three Detachments (say 8,000 Indians) who will follow us. As soon as the boats (3 in number) can carry them from that place to Rock Row on White River, where we intend to debarque and resume our march by land. The health of the Indians composing the different Detachments is generally good and I hope that nothing will ---- to retain or prevent the full and final accomplishment of the views of the Govt. in relation to these people. Thus far we have been successful, and I think, that with ------- and --- we will be able to get all their people to their new homes.

I am Sir very
Your Obt.

M. W. Bateman
1 Liut. ---
Militery Agent
1st Det.

Camp Rock Row, White River, Arkansas
18th Oct 1836

We arrived at this place last night. All is in good health. The White River is over it's banks. We will have much trouble in crossing the ponies over it.

M. W. B.

[note: M. W. Bateman died July 31, 1837 Mt. Vernon's Pass, Al.]