[M234, roll 236, frame 699]

Little Rock, Nov. 9th 1836

Capt. Wm. Armstrong
Supt. Indian Affrs
South Western Territory


I have the honor to inform you that 13,000 Creek Indians are now west of the Mississippi on their way to their new county, some of these people are as far advanced as Gadson. I enclose for your information, a copy of a letter form Genl Jessup. I have respectfully to request that you will meet us with as little delay as possible. The interest of the Indians requires it. They will not enter their new country without arms, rumour (Indian rumour) says there are but few arm at your disposal, and those have recently been seized by hostile Indians, don't fail to meet us as early as possible. The safety of the frontier may depend on it.

I am Sir, very respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
M. W. Bateman,
-- Military Agent
Creek Removal