[M234, roll 238, frame 863]

Steam Boat "Black Hawk"
near Vicksburg, Miss.
Nov. 3d 1837


In my communication to you of the 23d Oct. I apprised you that two thousand emigrating Creek Indians had left Pass Christian for Arkansas.

I have the honour to inform you that the whole party are now on the move to their new homes in the west. In consequence of the inclemency of the weather, the last party was detained several days at Pass Christian, the first party in the mean time moving twelve or fifteen miles above New Orleans so at to be beyond the influence of the yellow fever which was raging in that city. They --- at that place until they were joined by the other party which was on the 29th Oct. when the whole party in fine health and spirits proceeded up the river.

Agents have been placed on each boat to attend to the wants of the Indians, and a physician accompanying each party to provide for the comfort of the sick.

I directed Dr. Halse to remain at Pass Christian with Lt. Reynolds until he could be relieved. He will join us soon as Lt. R. has sent to Mobile for a physician

Very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
T. T. Sloan
Lt. & Disbg. Agent

C. A. Harris Esq.
Commr. Indian Affairs
Washington City