[M234, roll 238, frame 561]

Fort Mitchell Ala.
7th March 1837


I have the honour to report I have appointed two assistant Agents, one by the name of Barclay and the other Griffitt to proceed into the Cherokee Nation to collect Creek Indians, and bring them to Gunters Landing. This is in accordance with instructions form General Wool. I had also directed Capt. Bateman, to proceed to that point with funds to settle claims which have been necessarily incurred as reported by Genl Wool. I did not feel authorized to turn money over to a Citizen. Capt. Bateman has got a fall from his horse, and I doubt if he will be able to go, if not should Lieut. Deas return I shall order him there. The good of the service requires that an officer should be sent there for a short time. I have also appointed Mr. Ha- Sommerville as Asst Agent in the Creek removal. I had so many things to attend to it became necessary I should have an assistant to aid as there will be three parties of Indians.

With respect
I have the honour to be
Your Obt. Servt.
John Page Capt.
Supt Creek Reml

C. A. Harris Esq.
Commiss. of Indian Affairs
Washington City

[Alexander H. Sommerville?]