[M234, roll 237?, frames 403-07]

Fort Morgan
Mobile Point
March 31st 1837


In answer to your enquiries in relation to the outrages that have been committed on the families of the Indian warriors serving in Florida, and the loss of property incident thereto, I submit the following report.

In consequence of a disturbance that occurred at the plantation of Dr. Battle on the Cowiga Creek, about the latter part of December last, thirty mile distant from the camp under my control, (Echo Harjo's) I ordered the warriors forthwith to surrender their arms and remove within a smaller compass, so that they might be more immediately under my observation. This movement was made, not from a belief that the depredations were committed by my Indians, (for I have no doubt it was the remnant of the old hostile party that had never surrendered) but to appease the citizens, and prevent any intercourse with my camp, some of whom had previously been hostile; and sixty-three guns were deposited in my quarters.

This order was promptly obeyed, and all of the old people of Echo Harjo's Indians, and a few of those that had surrendered, were encamped in less than half a mile square; the rest precipitately left the camp. They remained in this situation till the 5th of February, when I found my camp suddenly surrounded by an armed populace, headed by a Mr. Garnigan, and a party of Citizens from Georgia, a Mr. Park at the head of citizens from Russell county Alabama, and a Capt. Morris of Franklin County Georgia, that had recently been mustered into the service of the U. States. The Indians indiscriminately were immediately driven up around my quarters, I there guarded until twelve o'clock the next day, without provisions & in most instances a blanket to shelter them from the inclemency of the weather. I protested against their conduct as inhumane, uncalled for, and contrary to the solemn pledges of the Government, and that it would be more honorable and soldier-like to punish the aggressors, than harass a few unarmed friendly men, women, and children. After pillaging several of the Indian houses of property, and in one instance of money, the determined to remove the Indian men & boys to Tuskegee and place them within the stockade, under a strong guard, and permit the women & children to remain immediately around my quarters. The guns belonging to the Indians were also carried away by them and have not been returned. I have since understood they selected the best for their own private use. On the same evening my camp was again visited by two companies of citizens from Pike & Barbour Counties Ala headed by a Mr. Curry and Mr. Harrold - the latter company was that day mustered into service. After some conversation I succeeded in satisfying them, that no great danger was to be apprehended from a parcel of women and children, and after remaining until about midnight and plundering the houses of the Indians that had been abandoned, they left to join their associates in arms, about five miles distant, where they, that night, had encamped with the Indian men and boys. We had a respite from this ---- till the 20th of Febry when Park and his mob returned and after parading through the camp, took six men that had been frightened off on his previous visit; and, if the statement of some of his own men can be credited, stole two mules and a horse, and perhaps some ponies, & left the camp. On the 21st a Lt Ash, with a detachment from Capt Morris' Company, arrived at the camp and surrounded it, and after searching it thoroughly left for Tuskegee, without making any discoveries of a very alarming character. On the next evening I received a note from Capt George whose company was also in the U. States service & Lt Ash informing me that on the next morning they had determined to remove the women and children of my camp to Tuskegee. As I was that day making an issue of provision for five days, I begged them to defer it for four days, until the could consume their provisions, as no wagon were furnished for their transportation, it would be impossible for their transportation, it would be impossible for them to carry it, I requested to hear from them that night by express. No intelligence was received, and I was convinced the adhered to the determination, and on the morning of the 23rd ordered the Indians to prepare to remove to Tuskegee, & in half an hour the whole camp was on the march. In consequence of having no means of transportation, I directed them to deposit their effects in my quarters, & c, until wagons could be procured to remove them to Tuskegee; but in the mean time the house was broken open and plundered of most articles of any value (I) we had proceeded alone within four mile of Tuskegee before we met the companies that were to guard us. They escorted us to Tuskegee, & encamped the women and children around the pickets under a guard, where they remained until they 7th? of March, when they were marched off by the same company to Montgomery, Alabama.

The following is the description and value of the property that has been lost, as far as can be ascertained in so short a period.

145 Indian ponies (average value $30.00)$ 4350.00
60 Head of Cattle (average value $12.00)720.00
200 hogs (average value $3.00)600.00
100 Bushels of Corn (at pr. bus - $2.00)200.00
100 Bee Hives (at pr. hive - $2.00)200.00
Cooking & Farming utensils & Crockery ware200.00
63 Guns (average $10.00)630.00
Sacrifice in hurried sales of property1200.00
Money stolen from Tallow war harjo250.00
Total$ 8350.00

Very Respectfully
T. T. Sloan
Lt. & Mil. Agt.