[M234, roll 238, frame 563]

Columbus, GA
18th March 1837


I have the honour to forward duplicate muster rolls of Creek Indians delivered to the agent west. There is no reason I can advance why the Emigrating Company should not receive the amount called for by the rolls. I have just returned from Montgomery where I turned over all the Indians to the Emigrating Company. They have transported or got them on the way to Mobile Point about 2,000; the balance will be started immediately. I have made arrangements for the company to feed them after they arrive until they are met by the warriors in Florida agreeable to your instructions. I have sent an asst. Agent to meet the Warriors in Florida and accompany them to the Point where their families are and to explain to them the cause of this movement & c. I shall proceed tomorrow again to accompany the Indians, some few hostiles are yet in the swamp; I have three companies of volunteers now in pursuit of them, they refused to join the Indians after I had sent them word what their fate would be if they did not come in.

With respect
I have the honour to be
Your Obt. Servt.
John Page Capt. &
Supt Creeks

C. A. Harris Esq.
Com. of Indian Affairs
Washington City