[M234, roll 238, frame 710]

Fort Gibson
January 31, 1837


Your communication of the 5th December 1836 has been received.

In consequence of the failure of the contractor to supply provisions to the Emigrant Creeks, this business has necessarily fallen into my hands, the consequences I have been --- night and day and to that extent I am unable as yet to forward my quarterly returns, reports, & c. even at this time, by next mail I will no doubt be able to forward them.

On the 23rd January, I received in their new country 2818 Emigrant Creeks conducted by Doctor Williams as Agent for the Alabama Emigrating Company and accompanied by Lieut. E. Deas of the Army.  I also received on the 14th January 70 Emigrant Creeks conducted by Benjamin Marshall as Agent for the same company.  These added to the number still to be subsided at the close of last year will amount to about 15,100 souls.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
Jas. R. Stephenson
Capt. U. S. Army
Disbg. Agt. (Creeks)

C. A. Harris Esqr.
Commissioner Indian Affairs
Washington D. C.