[ASP, Mil. Aff., v.6, p. 774]

Encampment of Indians, Two miles west of Fort Smith, Arkansas Territory, January 28, 1836.


On the 9th ultimo I had the honor to address you from near Little Rock upon the subject of the party of Creek Indians now emigrating. Since that time we have met with much detention from the low state of the water in the Arkansas river. On the 22d instant we reached this place, and it was found impossible to proceed further by water. The party was therefore encamped at this place on the north bank of the river, and the agents of the contractors proceeded to provide the necessary means of trans­portation by land. Messengers were also sent on to Fort Gibson for the return of the Indian ponies and wagon horses, which by some mistake had gone on there instead of encamping near Fort Smith, as was directed, until the arrival of the boats. Those that were fit for use returned this afternoon, and the requi­site number of wagons having been procured, everything is in readiness to proceed tomorrow morning. The weather and roads being good at present, the party will probably reach Fort Gibson within five days.

The Indians have remained healthy, and nothing else of particular importance relative to them has occurred since I last had the honor to address you upon the subject.

I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
EDWARD DEAS, 2d Lieut., Disbursing Agent of Creek Emigration.

General George Gibson, Commissary General of Subsistence.