[M234, roll 238, frame 191]

Fort Gibson Arkansas
25th January 1837

To C. A. Harris Esquire


I have the honour to state that the Party of Creek Indians which I accompanied from Alabama as principal Government Agent, arrived at this destination near this Post on the 23rd instant. Nothing of particular interest relative to the Emigration, has occurred under my observation, since I last had the honour to address the Commissary General of Subsistence, upon this subject, from Little Rock, upon the 19th ultimo. 

There are many statements in the newspapers of that town relating to the Emigrating Indians a few of which are correct, some exaggerated, & others grossly false. Amongst the latter is the assertion that the Chief Tuckabachee Hadjo & his people were driven from the state of Arkansas by the militia.

On the contrary he joined my Party upon its arrival near his place of Encampment, without the slightest compulsions, and as far as I have observed, the Indians have behaved towards the people of Arkansas in an orderly & friendly manner.

My journal of occurrences upon the Route, will exhibit in detail every thing of interest which took place relative to the Party under my charge & it will be forwarded by me agreeably to the instructions which I have received upon the subject.

I have the honour to be Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servant
Edw. Deas
Lieut. U. S. Army &
Disbursg. Agent with
the Creek Emigration