[ASP, Mil. Aff., v.6, p. 772]

Encampment of Indians, one mile west of Tuscumbia, Alabama,
December 21, 1835.


I have the honor to state that the party of emigrating Creek Indians to which I am attached arrived and encamped at this place this afternoon. On the 6th of this month I had the honor to address you from near Wetumpka, giving an account of the progress of the party up to that time. On the 7th instant, the Indians having been mustered and enrolled, proceeded on the way to Memphis, in the direction of Montevallo, the contractors preferring what is called the northern route, through Elyton, Moulton, and Tuscumbia, on account of the roads being, generally at this season, better than that which was taken last year, through Tuscaloosa, although the latter is somewhat shorter. Up to this time nothing of particular importance has occurred upon the way. The weather has been uncommonly fine, and the roads conse­quently very good. This being the case, the party has been enabled to travel rather more than the average of twelve miles a day, but of course when the weather becomes bad, and the roads muddy, the rate of travel­ling will be diminished accordingly. As yet I have had no occasion to remonstrate upon any subject with the agent of the contractors. The means of transportation and subsistence have been of the proper kind, and in the quantity required by the contract. The rations have been issued regularly under my observation, and have consisted of beef and corn, with the exception of three days, when meal was issued instead of the latter. I purchased, before starting, such medicines as Dr. Randall required, but up to this time few cases of sickness have occurred, and it has not been necessary to leave any upon the route from that cause.

An unfortunate quarrel took place upon the 7th instant amongst some of the Indians whilst intoxi­cated, which resulted in the death of one of them. This, however, was supposed to be accidental, or rather unintentional, in consequence of which the friends of the man killed have taken no steps to punish his death in the usual manner, according to their laws. No other difficulties have occurred, and, as far as I am able to judge, the removal of the party has been well conducted according to the contract. I have nothing further of interest to communicate at present upon the subject of the emigration.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
EDW. DEAS, 2d Lieutenant and Disbursing Agent of Creek Emigration.

General Geo. Gibson, Commissary General of Subsistence.