[Senate Doc. 512, vol. 247, page 761]

Western Creek Agency, Dec. 18, 1833

Sir, Your letter of the 4th November reached me by the last mail.  I have forwarded my accounts at the end of each quarter regularly; and immediately after the 30th September last I forwarded my returns for the quarter and for the last year, and if they have been delayed by the mail and have not reached the department in due time, it is not my fault. I will forward a complete statement of all my business here in a short time, so that the department may at once see how the business stands. If there is any particular return that has not reached the department, I would be glad to be informed of it.

I have written, in September last, on the subject of provisions to the emigrants that were brought on by Gen. Chilly McIntosh, sixty in number, with two other persons that came on in June - in all, sixty-two.  Gen. McIntosh has been feeding his party since their arrival; the 1st September, with the expectation that the Government would make him the proper allowance. It would be desirable for some person to have charge of this business.   Lieut. Van Horn has closed his business with the Senecas, and would no doubt attend to this business with pleasure, if instructed to that effect. 

I have the honor to be, sir,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
John Campbell

Elbert Herring, Esq.,
Commissioner of Indian Affairs